All posts in " Understanding Cycles "

India Joining Cashless Society – Pulling the Plug on Govt.

May 27, 2016

COMMENT: it is just chaos by politicians destroying the future. cashless society …how did u see this just amazing.I never thought it is coming to india as indians believed in hard MONEY sir. thank you for your knowledge i think in future u should create an AI to help the people show the path. Coz there is […]

Confused? When Will This End?

May 24, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thank you for your daily blogs. First thing I read every morning. I can’t wait to attend Novembers Orlando conference. My question is about the inverse relationship of Gold(precious metals) and the Dollar. Looking at historical charts it would suggest that we may continue to see a price decrease in […]

Even Language Has a Cycle

May 21, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that there is a cycle to everything. I am starting to notice there appears to be cycles in the use of words especially in a legal context. Your piece on “discretion” is interesting how it evolves to suit the times. Money Laundering began as a drug crime and now it […]

Monetary Unions – How Fast Can They Collapse?

May 8, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody seems to be able to answer this question. How fast would the Euro disintegrate if the EU appears to be on the verge of collapsing assuming Britain were to leave? There is a consensus that other states would then begin to also prepare referendums to leave. This question become paramount and you […]

California “Locked & Loaded” Ready for the Big One?

May 5, 2016

The LA Times is reporting that scientists are now coming out and saying that the San Andreas Fault System is “locked and loaded” ready for the big one. The last “big one” was 1857. Effectively, the north portion moves about 16 feet ANNUALLY. The southern portion is locked and has not moved to catch up. […]

The Business Cycle Wins Again

April 29, 2016

A shopper takes part in Black Friday sales at a Target store in Chicago, Illinois, United States, November 27, 2015. REUTERS/Jim Young Reuters reported: U.S. economy stalls in first quarter as activity weakens broadly COMMENT #1: you’ve been right on COMMENT #2: Marty, your ECM is amazing. What is more amazing is how mainstream press is desperate to […]

17-Year Cycle of Cicadas

April 22, 2016

Another example how everything runs in cycles, this year will be the 17-year cycle when the cicadas make their appearance. It will be noisy for about a month, then they mate and die.

Influence – Does it Matter?

April 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A lot of people claim to have contacts in high places, but they seem to delude themselves and others. I have been in Washington and saw you at lunch meetings with chiefs or staff of several politicians in ————- one of the most exclusive spots only for members of Congress. I have been […]

Cycles & Sports

April 6, 2016

Everything has a cycle. The difference between the Triple Crown and Villanova is that it was actually substantial. In the case of the Triple Crown, nobody won it in 31 years, and I was able to work out the cyclical pattern of the event. Each sports team has a different cycle. Therefore, in the case […]

Villanova Wins on Pi

April 5, 2016

I am not a sports fan. I do not even have time for TV. However, I am a student of cyclical patterns. When it came to the Triple Crown, I looked at the cyclical pattern and said it was time and he will win. Well, I did it again. Villanova won the championship in 1985. […]

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