
Trump’s Drain the Swamp

October 23, 2016

Trump’s Latest Message Drain the “Swamp” He Calls Washington. This is why the Republican elite stand for Hillary. Term limits and ending lobbying by former government staff would cut too deep into their pockets.

Elizabeth Warren Calls for the Dismissal of the Head of SEC Who Refuses to Comply with Law

October 23, 2016

Elizabeth Warren wrote to Obama demanding Mary Jo White, the head of the SEC, be fired. She wrote: “I do not make this request lightly.”  Warren has sought that the SEC require corporations to reveal their political donations. “I have tried both publicly and privately to persuade Chair White to direct the agency’s resources toward pressing […]

Brussels Contemplates Outlawing Short Selling on European Bank Stocks

October 23, 2016

The European banks are in much worse shape than their US competition. The reason being argued in Europe is that the US government imposed a ban on speculation after the financial crisis. However, that was imposed on September 19, 2008, and it ended on October 9, 2008. But some Europeans claim that is why US banks survived and want […]