All posts in "Gold"

Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

July 18, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not commodity based, they rise and fall on anticipation of political events whereas under precious metals contagions took place by one country debasing compared to another? Thank you for your […]

Market Talk- July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018

Japan was the only one of the core to distance itself form all others and close positive (+0.45%) on the day. That is probably because the Yen lost ground and seems to have finally broken that correlation play for now. Declining energy prices was the main talking point for Asia, but that started late last […]

Oldest Version of Homer’s Iliad and The Odyssey was Just Discovered

July 12, 2018

A remarkable discovery has been made and reported by the BBC. A clay tablet recording the story of Odysseus after the fall of Troy by Homer who is the famous Greek poet who was born sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC. He is believed to have possibly been born somewhere on the coast […]

Market Talk- July 11, 2018

July 11, 2018

Just when the markets started to rejoice in the fact that there had been no recent escalation of trade wars and then the silence is broken. Early in the Asian trading day the US released a list of additional tariffs which are assumed to total close to $200bn. This number has wobbled equities and put […]

Did the Swiss Reject the Same Idea Behind Cryptocurrency?

July 9, 2018

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As you know, we rejected the proposal to eliminate banks from creating money by lending or the Sovereign Money Initiative. What you did not report is that the very same reasoning behind that movement has been used for the cryptocurrencies. In fact, they were using Bitcoin as proof that their idea […]

Did Tariffs Cause Great Depression?

July 9, 2018

The causes of the Great Depression have been debated for decades. The problem with all of the analysis is this same attempt to reduce the cause to a single event. In school, we read the Great Crash by Galbraith. He was a socialist so he blamed the corporations and never bothered to ever even mention the […]

Shanghai 1930 Gold Backed Currency

July 8, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what were the gold custom units issued by the Bank of China with the image of Sun Yat-sen. PHR ANSWER: The Customs Gold Unit (CGU) was the first peg to the US dollar. Here we have China issuing currency backed by the US dollar. It was a currency issued by the Central Bank of […]

Celtic Gold Ring Money Discovered in Ireland

July 7, 2018

Gold rings were discovered in Ireland and they seem to be uncertain about their original use. The Celts did not create their own coins for many centuries. They used ring money which is commonly found throughout Europe, north of Italy. Celtic ring money is typically bronze. However, it is known that the Minoians sailed into […]

The Origin of Contagions lies in the Common Reserve Currency

July 5, 2018

The question of money supply and inflation has been erroneously set in stone philosophically predominantly by the debasement of Spain and Britain during the period of Henry VIII. This was really a period where there were various countries and their currency completely relied on the exchange market in Amsterdam, which was based entirely upon their metal […]

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