All posts in "Gold"

Weather Impacted Wars & Migrations in Pre-Recorded History

May 24, 2018

  Archaeologists working in the wetlands of Denmark have uncovered 2,000-year-old human remains are revealing that the Germanic “barbarians” were engaging in warfare in northern Europe against other barbarian tribes which had nothing to do with Rome. The research, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, provides a unique look at how […]

Cryptocurrency & Dancing with the Devil

May 23, 2018

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I really love your work. You are the only one financial guy I follow. Your power is obviously your prediction computer program Socrates which I use every day. I understand that your other posts are just your opinions and I would like to point out some of the flawed arguments you make about […]

Understanding the Fractal Nature of TIME

May 21, 2018

COMMENT: I attended your 2015 WEC where you laid out the future for the euro. I was skeptical, to say the least. All these people constantly focus on the dollar. Then your model gave buy signals on the euro and you said it would then rally into 2018 and that could form the slingshot down. […]

How Linear Thinking that has blinded most People

May 20, 2018

COMMENT: I think I now see the light. It has been my linear thinking that has blinded me. Gold rallied and failed as was the case with the euro, British pound and so on. Putting them all together is why who said that the euro would rally because they all were indicating a pause in the […]

Euro Demise – The Crash of the Euro is Inevitable

May 17, 2018

Naturally, the majority had to be wrong that the dollar was in this inevitable bear market. These prognostications were typically those who kept cheering gold higher and ignore everything else on the silver plate of politics. The implications of the Italian elections have been ignored by so many. They were a major blow against the European Union […]

Illinois to Impose 1% Property Tax on Top of Everything Annually for 30 Years

May 14, 2018

  In Illinois is a State that should just commit suicide and be emerged into surrounding states. It is following the EXACT pattern as the fall of the city of Rome itself. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople around 330AD. Rome lost its status as corruption and taxes rose. More and […]

Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

May 13, 2018

QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually described the Biblical story of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue interpreted by Daniel. Do you think your research into the world Monetary System confirms that interpretation? WK ANSWER: I […]

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

May 11, 2018

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by converting to the Euro than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Why? Currency Inflation! My question is if it is not the quantity of money that is making $1 million buy […]

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