All posts in "Gold"

Market Talk- March 27th, 2018

March 27, 2018

  Unsurprisingly, the US mood swept into Asia assisting those markets that failed to react Monday. The Nikkei led the gains adding +2.65% onto yesterdays +0.7%. The Yen lost more of the fear rally bid, and we see it currently trading high 105’s with a big figure change looming yet again. As more constructive headlines […]

Proposed Monetary Reform in Switzerland would Destroy the Country

March 26, 2018

In Switzerland, we have the perfect example of the old saying – a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. We have activists who are clearly living in a world they comprehend no less than the financial system. These people have managed to get a referendum on changing in the financial system with the same promises of […]

Market Talk- March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018

  If you were in any doubt what Asia thinks about the possibility of a trade war, you saw the answer today. All major indices lower with losses between 2% and Japan’s Nikkei -4.5%. The Yen saw the flight to quality and even this evening is trading with a 104 handle. Market looks to have […]

Mexico & the 112 Year Cycle

March 21, 2018

QUESTION: Dear Martin As usual, I have no words to thank the sincere and incomparable work that you did for us, and almost for free. People like you should be a reference for future generations. You really are a Punk, in the best sense of the word [anti-autoritaritharism, DIY, direct action..]. I’m writing you because the […]

The Collapse of Society – Are the Doom & Gloomers Even on the Right Page?

March 20, 2018

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Thanks for the incredible information you are sharing. I subscribe to your service and read your blog every day. Do preppers have any justification in planning for a complete collapse, be it economic, political or otherwise? I keep a 30 day supply of freeze dried food but I have friends that are much […]

The Unsound Theory of Inflation

March 19, 2018

QUESTION: You defend central banks yet the Rothschilds when clearly Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”  Any comment? SL ANSWER: No problem. He never said any such thing it was completely made up. It was attributed to him in 1838 when he […]

Secret Empires – Corruption Beyond Belief

March 18, 2018

I have written many times about the deep corruption among the political class. The way they have always taken bribes is through their families. I have written how Hillary’s brother magically got the gold mining contract from Hati when he wasn’t a gold miner. The Clinton Foundation which was supposed to be a real charity […]

Repetitive Patterns in the Money Supply – Will Coins Become Extinct?

March 15, 2018

Inflation over time raises the cost of raw metal and we see that such coins vanish from the money supply. Britain is the latest in line to eliminate the 1 & 2 pence coins. They are costing more to produce than they are worth. I have written about the monetary reform Act of 1857 when […]

Happy Pi Day – The Perfect Cycle

March 14, 2018

  Well, Julius Caesar was not assassinated precisely on Pi, it was the Ides of March – the 15th. Yet this is the man who unified Europe. They named July after him, Caesarian birth how he was born, and the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands after which the State of New Jersey was named […]

Is it St Mark or Alexander the Great Buried in Venice?

March 14, 2018

QUESTION: I just returned from Venice and I was told that they stole the bones of St Mark from Egypt and built a church there for them. The four horses on the Church they stole from Constantinople. It seems a bit strange that they would go take relics from somewhere else. Do you have any […]

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