All posts in "Gold"

Market Talk- September 11, 2017

September 11, 2017

With no missile test Saturday or new geopolitical news over the weekend, Asian stocks opened on a positive note. The Chinese central bank loosened some financial restrictions which also added to the positivity for both domestic and regional markets, combined to support all markets. The central bank move opens the market slightly, returning responsibility to […]

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

September 9, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how things evolve GOLD-Oil-Dollar.  I must say this is a eye-opening evolution you are talking about. Has this always been the case with things […]

Market Talk- September 8th, 2017

September 8, 2017

Governments and central banks across the world are still concerned about the lack of inflation or significant growth and we saw evidence again in that today from the Japanese Q2 GDP release. Well below estimate of 4% this mornings release came in at 2.5%. Mario Draghi also commented on growth concerns in yesterdays ECB meeting […]

Gold – Dow – Euro & Socrates Update

September 7, 2017

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a long time reader of your blog from India. I am learning about a lot many things about Finance & Economics from your blog, than I learned by going to College. Truly, what is being taught in Academic institutions is far from what actually happens. I am an Investor […]

Market Talk- September 6th, 2017

September 6, 2017

A lot of the talk in Asia was surrounding concerns over the continued and unsurprising decline in the KOPSI. Today it fell again (-0.3%) with industrials and core exporters leading the decline making this the fifth day sellers have taken the lead role. The Nikkei lost for another day, but this time only a small […]

Opening the Door to September

September 6, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed you for many years. I have to say, I am truly amazed at what your computer projects. You have never missed a move yet. Here we have the rally in gold into September, yet the August high stands in the market, and even Korea went nuts on your target […]

Market Talk- September 5th, 2017

September 5, 2017

Am eager to get onto the US’s reaction to weekend events, so will just briefly say that China markets performed on the back of strong PMI data – the highest in three months (52.7 against a previous 51.5). RBA left rates unchanged. The remainder of the trading day focused on US markets reaction to the […]

Market Talk- September 4th, 2017

September 4, 2017

Stock markets were spooked by North Korea’s sixth nuclear test over the weekend which had the usual effect of rallying safe-haven such as gold and treasuries. The US dollar also found a bid with the Japanese yen benefiting as money scattered from the risk. The Nikkei ended the day around 1% lower with exporters being […]

Gold – Oil – Dollar

September 4, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the rule of law must first protect property and surprisingly you said to issue commodity contracts redeemable in gold. Well, everyone knows whatever you seem […]

Market Talk- September 1st, 2017

September 1, 2017

Think we should just probably forget the Asian session as all were waiting for the US numbers and hoping for some direction as a result. mixed cash session but we are seeing some positive moves in futures following the US numbers. Europe sees the core perform (CAC and DAX both around 1% better) while the […]

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