All posts in "Gold"

Gold the Bounce

January 29, 2016

Naturally, the gold promoters are out in force. The problem with their theories has always been that they are dead wrong. The REAL BULL MARKET will see the metals rise with equities. Right now, they focus on the stock market … →

Gold – No Time Left for Conspiracy Theories

January 14, 2016

To some, this is a religious battle. To others, it is just a time to rip off a lot of people by selling fantasies and sophistry. I have stated this many times, so here it goes again: Gold rises when … →

Deutsche Bank Continues its Exit From Markets

January 12, 2016

Deutsche Bank sold off its gold storage facility in London as it continues to exit from the financial markets and contracts back to being a core bank. The gold vault was bought by the world’s largest bank in terms of … →

Do the Reserves of a Nation Matter Anymore?

January 9, 2016

The goldbugs spun the tail that China was going to save them by making gold $50,000-$100,000 an ounce because money, in their minds, has to be tangible. However, China’s $3 trillion-plus in foreign currency reserves was the biggest stockpile in … →

Closings Today will be the Year-End Signals

December 31, 2015

  The Holiday Schedule is below. The closing for our models will be TODAY and for the most part this will be a full normal day. We are hovering around our year-end numbers in many markets from gold and the … →

Gold the Update

December 25, 2015

Gold for year-end has a number 1044.50. If we close BELOW this next Wednesday on December 31st. This is a question of if we close above this does not provide a buy signal nor does it avoid a sell signal. … →

Gold Into the Abyss?

December 18, 2015

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for the first time. My question is on Gold. You … →

Gold & Dow Inflation Adjusted

December 11, 2015

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just curious KW Dow Jones Industrial in LOG Scale ANSWER: The 1929 high … →

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