All posts in "News"

Necons should be Tried for Treason

July 7, 2024

My sources have confirmed that not only did Russia make a stop in Cuba, but China is also present, and they are constructing spy installations to watch what is going to take place, especially with our elections. Most likely, they will put missiles in Cuba in retaliation for this Proxy War to conquer Russia. Guess […]

The French LEFT Erupts in Violence over Le Pen

July 7, 2024

The French LEFT is rioting over LePen’s victory in the first round. This is what we should expect in the United States, for regardless of who wins the election, neither side will accept the result. The West is crumbling for politics has become so polarized that civilization is no longer viable. This is what 2032 […]

The British & EU Elections – A Prelude to US?

July 5, 2024

COMMENT: Marty, I am really impressed how Socrates even had a Double Directional Change in the British pound for election day. What it shows for the US elections seems to be a critical turning point. This is the most interesting system ever created. All the best JK REPLY: There is no question that the sweeping […]

Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects”

July 5, 2024

YouTube recently removed an interview I participated in with Palisades Radio for mentioning this study. I have posted the video on Rumble at the bottom of this article and it can also be found on X and Spotify. “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic” conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, […]

Marxists in Disarray Ahead of 2025

July 5, 2024

The left is cannibalizing itself across the Western world. Pride month parades for LGBTQ community members have been repeatedly disrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors. The two causes certainly do not align, but the people who compose each seem to be confused when crossing their social justice causes. Over the weekend, a Pride Toronto event was canceled […]

Why 2032 is so Necessary

July 5, 2024

  With every day that passes, we are edging closer and closer to 2032, where our Computer is forecasting the collapse of our present form of Republican government, and the light at the end of the tunnel is that we get to hold another Constitutional Convention. This time, we get to correct all the mistakes […]

Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia

July 5, 2024

Involuntary Draft for Males and Females Ages 18-26   The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2025, authorized a Mandatory Military Selective Service Act for American women. The selective service program is a way to implement a military draft for women in the USA. There have been some lawmakers who oppose this […]

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