All posts in "News"

Trade Negotiations

June 17, 2019

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong In your opinion of Trump’s trade war policy, you disagree with him because it makes China look weak. What is your solution when the real problem is China stealing intellectual property and they have been called out on it. A person or party always looks weak when they get caught doing something […]

Iran v USA – Oil Tanker Attacks

June 14, 2019

There are many people claiming this is Tonkin Gulf 2.0 claiming it is a false flag of the USA attacking the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and using it as an excuse for war with Iran. While the theory may seem to have lived in the conspiracy world, there is so much tension […]

What Happens When the Financial Capital of the World Moves?

June 14, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Knowing that the financial capital will likely move to China after 2032, since that would be the peak of the public wave, where will someone in the US put their capital? Usually, the move from public to private would result in a move into sovereign debt and cash, but will the move […]

Forced Loans People Ignore Until it’s TOO LATE

June 14, 2019

QUESTION: With the private vs public debt and interest rate discussion, nobody is mentioning things like government legislation to forcing people to buy government debt. For example 401’s, IRA’s… must have or be in government debt. Your thoughts? ANSWER: Governments have often resorted to forced loans. When Italy was in trouble, they took 90-day paper […]

Interest Rate & Currency Pegs

June 13, 2019

QUESTION: Martin, I went over three blogs this morning (both public and private); they are The FED Between a Rock & a Hard Place, Manipulating interest rates & Public vs Private Interest Rates. A common theme of the FED possibly pegging interest rates and inflation. My question is: If the FED is induced to peg […]

Public v Private Interest Rates & Sovereign Debt Crisis

June 13, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Martin I have a question for the blog. There has been forecasts for a sovereign debt crisis but recently you have discussed how various governments may manipulate govt bond interest rates down as has happened in Europe and Japan. If Europe and Japan are anything to go by then this could go on […]

The Fed is Between a Rock & a Hard Place

June 13, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Not sure if I am understanding it correctly. Is the FED currently between a rock and a hard place? The FED is not able to cut rates (implement QE) due to the current pending/ongoing crisis of the US pensions, and they cannot raise interest rates as it’s going to cause more […]

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