All posts in "News"

Draghi – The Opportunity & the Nightmare

March 14, 2019

  I cannot stress enough that Mario Draghi has really destroyed the European economy on an unprecedented scale. I know people who worked on trading desks years ago when Mario Draghi before he was head of the ECB, was there to observe how things operated. His policy of perpetual low to negative interest rates is […]

California Hands Retired Employees Checks in Excess of $400,000 + Pensions

March 13, 2019

Most employers provide vacation and sick leave. However, most employers do not allow sick days to roll over from one year to the next. The norm is to often cap at a certain number of days or hours. In the private sector, most employers do not allow employees to accumulate sick leave. Paid sick leave is part […]

How Europe Will Kill Tourism – The Age of Big Brother is Upon Us

March 13, 2019

The world seems to be moving toward complete control over the freedom of movement. Most likely, we are approaching that critical point where governments are afraid of what is coming on the horizon. There are those in government who are well aware that socialism is collapsing and they indeed fear the rise of civil unrest. […]

Scottish Independence & BREXIT

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, Big fat question for you regarding the UK and the SNP. You seemed to support Scotland breaking away from the UK in 2014, but since then you’ve voiced your concern on the socialist policies of the SNP. I share that concern, as do a growing number of people here, in not so sunny […]

World Trade & the Confusion

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, just reported this past week America’s trade deficit hit a record $891 billion while, in the same week, unemployment report fell to 3.8%. Does this refute the conventional economic belief that trade deficits take away jobs and output? Cheers, TGM ANSWER: What is reported as trade is not simply trade. The numbers are […]

The Fallacy of MMT

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: These economists who propose this MMT claim that since the U.S. borrows in its own currency, it can print dollars to cover its obligations, and can’t go broke. The theory has won converts among freshman Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a way to finance such social policies as the Green New Deal and Medicare […]

Travel Restriction coming in 2021 to Europe

March 11, 2019

CLARIFICATION: Just to clarify, is it not the EU, It is the Schengen Area only. You will have no problems having an event in Ireland … you should come over, the west coast of Ireland is a unique experience !! Keep up the good work, it is truly appreciated, thank you so much … Beannacht leat […]

WEC in Rome May Be our Last in Europe

March 11, 2019

A number of Americans have asked if they need a visa to visit Rome based upon the rumor that Europe will require visas. No, that begins in 2021. Americans will NO LONGER be able to visit Europe without a visa. This may be our last WEC in Europe. We believe the movement behind the curtain […]

How Did Socrates do at the 1929 High?

March 11, 2019

QUESTION: You said Socrates has been back tested. What did it write technical the day of the high in 1929? PO ANSWER: It has learned from all the data globally. Here is the technical analysis it wrote for 9/3/1929 without human editing: The market scored a new major high on 09/03/1929 which is up 4 […]

Finland Government Collapses & Why the Media is Silent

March 11, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your movie the Forecaster was on TV here in Scandinavia. That introduced me to your research. When I discovered your film was on TV in Europe, Canada, and Asia, but not the United States, that merely confirmed the corruption in New York. Here in Finland healthcare is comprehensive and it is taking […]

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