All posts in "News"

Save the Planet – Kill All Humans?

February 28, 2019

COMMENT: I confess. I use to be a Democrat. I can no longer accept this insanity. This new green deal is just stupid. I like how you are unbiased. That is so rare these days. You should turn this into a TV network to compete against FOX and CNN just taking the middle ground. Thank […]

The Decline in Quality is Part of the Cycle

February 28, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Wanted to ask you if you are noticing the same thing as me regarding the ‘quality’ of goods and services these days and if this is history repeating itself again, such as the fall of the Roman empire? To explain, I am noticing that the quality of the goods and services I buy […]

Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production

February 27, 2019

QUESTION: Are you aware that the climate change crowd is trying to force companies to expose the fact that whatever they produce is damaging the environment and investors should sell their shares to drive them into bankruptcy? PD ANSWER: Yes, the latest fashionable demand is to force companies to make “climate disclosures” that reflect their skewed […]

The Public Pension Crisis is Our Undoing

February 27, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for explaining the difference between a public employee pension and those we have in the real world. The fact that the bulk of these people never contributed to a pension was shocking. How is this going to be resolved? GH ANSWER: It will not end well. Government employees have the defined-benefit […]

Warren Buffett Loses Billions

February 27, 2019

QUESTION: It is no secret that you went head to head against Warren Buffett in his silver manipulation. He is having a very bad year with his buy and hold value strategy. It looks like without making billions on the side manipulation of commodities, he is no better a fund manager than anyone else. Care to […]

Is this the Coldest Winter in 83 years?

February 26, 2019

Vancouver, where it rarely snows, has had five snow storms this year. It has even been reported that snow has fallen in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Now that is an extremely rare event by itself in addition to Vancouver. The winter cold has been severe this year. It appears that we are heading toward […]

Elon Musk’s War with the SEC

February 26, 2019

The SEC has moved to hold Elon Musk in contempt in their favorite court – the Southern District of New York. This has been a battle against the SEC whereby just making any comment as a CEO of a public company brings the SEC in against you unless you are one of the bankers. Even […]

Funds Management & Trading – Behind the Curtain

February 26, 2019

QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is, which you must have gotten before, why don’t you offer a fund that is based on Socrates, so that we all your followers could invest […]

Supreme Court Did Not Rule on Civil Asset Forfeiture

February 25, 2019

  The US Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY (9-0) that the Constitution’s ban on Excessive Fines within the Eighth Amendment, is being reported incorrectly that this is a case against these outrageous Civil Asset Forfeitures – SORRY – Not True! This is a case that can be distinguished EASILY from a Civil Asset Forfeiture because here […]

The Illinois Pension Crisis – Giving The Pensioners All State Assets

February 25, 2019

The new proposal in Illinois is for the state to transfer its assets so that they are owned, not by the people, but by the state employees. These proposals will never solve the problem because no one will look at the issue long-term. If they hand ownership to state employees they still run out of […]

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