All posts in "News"

The View of American Politics from Afar

October 7, 2018

COMMENT: This business with Trump and the media is quite amazing when seen from a distance. I read posts from people who can not see past what they are believing. It’s as if the hate for Trump has become a Religion. A religious person will refuse to look at things from another perspective and this is […]

Is the Whole World Just Arguing for the Sake of Arguing?

October 6, 2018

In the programming world, Activists from the feminist and LGBTQIA+ communities have been trying to force the Linux project to join their Contributor Covenant since at least 2015.  They want to boycott all programming unless they sign agreements with the feminists. The same hatred we are witnessing in politics has taken over in so many fields. Anyone who refuses to […]

Now We have Caused the Earth to Shift – We Humans Cause Everything

October 6, 2018

Ok, it is time to all hold hands and jump up and down a few times to set the Earth back in line. The latest is that since 1899, humans are now also causing the Earth’s axis of spin to shift about 34 feet (10.5 meters). Now, research quantifies the reasons why and finds that a […]

Market Talk- October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018

The draconian fear of rising rates being bad for stocks, was flushed through into Asia this morning with all core markets trading heavy. The Nikkei lost nearly 1%, having opened lower it could not find a confident bounce throughout the day. The Yen is treading water around the 114 figure level, but looks to be […]

Solar Minimum Correlates with Volcanoes & Earthquakes

October 5, 2018

QUESTION: I live in Indonesia. I am amazed that the entire world is not known on your door. I understand that your model puts everything together and provides a whole new perspective. Your warning that here in the Pacific Ring of Fire we should expect a trend of increasing volcanoes and earthquakes has been incredibly accurate. […]

September the Coldest Month in a Decade – Must be Global Warming

October 5, 2018

It is not looking very good for the winter ahead. A reader from Calgary sent this picture in about the early snowfall up there. Indeed, Calgary just experienced the Snowiest Day in More Than Three Decades. It Broke an October Snowfall Record. Of course, they will call this Global Warming as well. This is just a […]

Market Talk- October 4, 2018

October 4, 2018

The FED was blamed for stopping yesterdays US rally in equities and has had a similar effect in Asia. Jerome Powell commented that they are a long way from neutral and that hit the long end of the Treasury curve. The ADP was probably enough to indicate economic strength, but then Jerome Powell light the […]

Understanding the New Age of Inflation

October 4, 2018

QUESTION: As an avid reader of your daily BLOG, I’m well aware of the attempt to abolish cash, potential freezing of bank accounts, years of negative or near zero interest rates and “helicopter money” from the government are all likely scenarios in the near to distant future. Without compromising any of your business or proprietary agreements, […]

Market Talk- October 3. 2018

October 3, 2018

The Nikkei retreated from its recent highs in cash terms, but is late this evening retaking those losses. The concerns surround the auto and petrochemical industries, but the poor auto sales number certainly did not help key stocks today as Honda dropped 4.3% and Mitsubishi Motors down 3.4%, while Showa Denko fell 5.2%. However, many […]

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