All posts in "News"

Trump Revolution Spreads to Democrats & They Miss the Point of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

July 23, 2018

The Trump Revolution has clearly now spread to the Democrats. People do not understand that the Trump Revolution is NOT about a particular philosophy. It is about just throwing those in power out. The year 1933 was the same thing. That year saw the extreme-right elect Hitler, the left elect Franklin Roosevelt, and the extreme-left put Mao and […]

Coins of the Siege of Masada

July 22, 2018

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I tried to search to see if the Romans ever issued any coins to announce the victory over Masada. I did not find any mention of Masada and coins whatsoever. I assumed if anybody knew it must be you. Were there any coins to commemorate that event? BK   ANSWER: No. […]

Has 95 become the New 65 for Retirement?

July 22, 2018

One of the more interesting downsides of the collapse in socialism is the impact upon the elderly. The data now shows that since the 2007-2009 recession, about twice as many elderly are still working. When interest rates decline, income from savings collapsed. So while the theory was to lower interest rates to “stimulate” the economy, the […]

Quantum Computing

July 21, 2018

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It has finally dawned on me what Socrates is all about after reading your post on Complexity. It is not just a program on conventional computers. Nobody has been able to create a system that actually writes reports. You have created a synthetic quantum computer. Correct? JS ANSWER: Very good. Correct. That […]

Taxing Boats For Just Visiting

July 21, 2018

A lot of people have emailed in about the outrageous taxes being imposed on those who own boats. A number of people are complaining about California that they sail there and dock in San Diego briefly and go visit Mexico and then get a property tax for having a boat even when they are not citizens […]

Market Talk- July 20, 2018

July 20, 2018

Much of todays talk surrounded currencies and the talk of combined intervention! Whether it was or wasn’t is immaterial, but what we did witness was a turnaround in the US Dollar strength against most geographies and at the same time a steepening in core bond markets. These currency bounces helped many markets to recover some […]

New Jersey To Now Tax Water Supply as Well – Creative Greed of Taxes

July 20, 2018

Politicians are truly amazing. When they need money, they are never short of ideas of things to tax. New Jersey is proposing to now tax water from the tap. The proposal is being submitted by State Senator Bob Smith D-Middlesex. Of course, Smith is trying to say it’s not actually a tax and calling it a “user […]

Largest Iceberg & Crazy Weather

July 20, 2018

QUESTION: You said while the energy output of the sun declines, at the same time the summers can get hotter. It seems strange but my daughter lives near you in Florida and it is hotter here in New York. Is the weather just getting crazy? ANSWER: This summer we should see sweltering heat build across […]

The Media Completely Ignores Putin’s Request to Interrogate US Officials About Interfering in Russia

July 20, 2018   What is interesting about the Trump & Putin press conference is how the Western Media focuses on the claims of Russian interference in the US election and refuse to report any involvement of the New York Banks attempt to take over Russia by blackmailing Yeltsin. Putin says very clearly that Mueller can go […]

Market Talk- July 19, 2018

July 19, 2018

  The strength of the USD is starting to become a lot more visible over the past 48 hours. In some countries, its looks as though currencies require a helping hand just to slow their downward spiral. In Japan the battle surrounding the Yen being a safe-haven or not continues, but looks to be losing […]

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