All posts in "News"

Swedish Elections Shift to the Right

September 9, 2018

The Swedish election has shifted to the right thanks to the Refugee Crisis. The Social Democrats came in with the worst result in decades and the right-wing populists have risen to their best results since their inception. Although the Social Democrats escaped a complete disaster in the parliamentary elections, they have lost a lot to the right-wing populists. The […]

Influence & Ranks

September 9, 2018

COMMENT: Marty; Did you know that your site is listed in the top 20 economic sites in the world? You are in the top 20 with Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, London FT, and even  Brookings Ben Bernanke’s Blog. The rest of the list includes the Economic Policy Institute, Economics & Statistics Administration, and The Berkeley Blog Business & […]

New Study Islands are Growing not Sinking with Global Warming Conspiracy

September 9, 2018

This theory of Global Warming and the oceans will rise and places like New York City and Miami will sink beneath the waves is just so childish it is beyond contemplation that anyone coming up with such a theory would ever understand a complex system. They must have cut class during Physics probably because it was […]

Trump Threatens to Cancel NAFTA If Congress Interferes

September 8, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you agree with Trump that if he canceled NAFTA, the United States would be better off? SN ANSWER: Ironically – YES from a jobs perspective, not the consumer. What you have to understand is that these trade deals are all nonsense. They are NOT Free Trade in the least. They are […]

The Fascinating Story of the Largest Geological Structure on Earth

September 8, 2018

  COMMENT: Just to let you know, already we have a record-breaking cold here in Minnesota. It did not even wait for Labor Day. DT REPLY: Yes I know. Things are changing and we really should stop this global warming nonsense and begin to actually investigate what is unfolding. Granted, this may not produce more taxes […]

Market Talk- September 7, 2018

September 7, 2018

Another negative day for Asian stocks as concerns over US/China trade wars and emerging market jitters continue. The timeline pasted for additional US sanctions which caused a small up-tic in prices ahead of the US numbers and the weekend. The Hang Seng managed an almost unchanged close, whilst Shanghai recovered much of the mornings levels […]

Venezuela & the Flight of Capital from Public to Private

September 7, 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The chart you posted on the Venezuela share market really made me see what you have been saying. Collapse the confidence in government and capital flees to the private sector. This is never taught in school! You have to write a book for posterity. Please! RW REPLY: The Venezuelan share market has soared […]

Beware of Political Uncertainty

September 7, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it your concern over Trump from the market perspective is the sheer uncertainty that is evolving. How do you see this playing out for the world economy? Thank you. I agree. These people who hate Trump just hate him so passionately. MRU ANSWER: Markets do not like UNCERTAINTY. These people […]

Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

September 7, 2018

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

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