All posts in "News"

Market Talk- September 7, 2018

September 7, 2018

Another negative day for Asian stocks as concerns over US/China trade wars and emerging market jitters continue. The timeline pasted for additional US sanctions which caused a small up-tic in prices ahead of the US numbers and the weekend. The Hang Seng managed an almost unchanged close, whilst Shanghai recovered much of the mornings levels […]

Venezuela & the Flight of Capital from Public to Private

September 7, 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The chart you posted on the Venezuela share market really made me see what you have been saying. Collapse the confidence in government and capital flees to the private sector. This is never taught in school! You have to write a book for posterity. Please! RW REPLY: The Venezuelan share market has soared […]

Beware of Political Uncertainty

September 7, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it your concern over Trump from the market perspective is the sheer uncertainty that is evolving. How do you see this playing out for the world economy? Thank you. I agree. These people who hate Trump just hate him so passionately. MRU ANSWER: Markets do not like UNCERTAINTY. These people […]

Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

September 7, 2018

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

Can Mueller Indict Trump or Can Only Congress Impeach?

September 7, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said the constitution forbids arresting a member of Congress on his way to the hill. I have never heard of that. Is this why you warn that trying to indict Trump is constitutionally risky? Thank you for your education HS ANSWER: Yes. To Indict any president is really a risky adventure. This […]

Trump the Person v the President

September 6, 2018

QUESTION: I know you do not support Trump as an individual. It seems most Americans cannot look at this political crisis as detached as you do. They seem to think anything that says Trump is correct is interpreted as total support for Trump. From the other side of the pond, it looks like Americans have lost […]

Market Talk- September 6, 2018

September 6, 2018

Another weak day across the board, starting in Asia and spreading west. There are ongoing concerns about emerging markets and the additional leverage being used almost everywhere. Much of this is being extended through the tech sector and that is what hurt the Hang Seng today. Closing down 1% it has also had a negative […]

Is Speaker Paul Ryan Part of the Conspiracy Against Trump?

September 6, 2018

The fact that House Speaker Paul Ryan said he doesn’t see a role for Congress in investigating the identity of the author of a New York Times op-ed, demonstrates that this is incompetent or complacent in what is taking place in Washington. This is no longer about just removing Trump from office. This is seriously about National Security. Such […]

Another Deep Earthquake Hits in Pacific

September 6, 2018

There has been another major 7.8 deep earthquake again in the Pacific.  There was a serious earthquake yesterday in Japan. This is all in our period for a rise in activity in the Pacific region.  

How Long Can Trump Survive? The NY Times Aids the Deep State

September 6, 2018

There has never been a President of the United States who is so hated by the political establishment which is absolutely determined to remove him from office, destroy his empire, and imprison his family while they are at it. The claimed New York Times Op_ed which is supposedly by a high ranking official in the Trump Administration […]

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