All posts in "News"

EU Proves It Has Become an Authoritarian Government

June 19, 2017

The European Commission President JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker, has come out and boldly stated that Poland and Hungary and their refusal to take in a single refugee person under a plan agreed in 2015 to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece, said: “Those who do not want to accept people with a different skin colour or a different belief […]

Public Education Has Always Been a Weapon Employed by the State

June 19, 2017

COMMENT: I found your comment on public education fascinating. Has it been a tool for centuries to alter the minds of children? ANSWER: Yes. There have been plenty of examples restricting what can be taught and what is prohibited. Joseph Stalin is famous for his state control of education. He boldly stated: “Education is a […]

Suicide Over European Banking Crisis

June 19, 2017

The European “bail-in” rules have been cheered claiming taxpayer money will be spared. However, many seniors bought bank bonds for their retirement. In the rescue of the small Banca Popolare d’Etruria, a retiree who had lost more than 100,000 euros worth of bonds committed suicide. There have been many such events that do not always make […]

Grenfell Tower Fires Exposes Government Corruption

June 18, 2017

At least 58 people are feared to have died in the fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower this past week. Prime Minister Theresa May admitted that the government response was appalling. There is mounting anger growing that many are saying people were told to stay in their apartments and died as a result. They are also exposing the […]

Grenfell Protests – May Must Go

June 18, 2017

  The protests are rising and Theresa May failed to go talk to the people right away while Jeremy Corbyn was there on TV crying with the people. He had proposed refurbishing the government housing and sprinklers should be installed last year and it was knocked down. People are blaming austerity. They are demanding an […]

The Impeachment of Trump – $35

June 18, 2017

We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal and illegal way they can move against Trump for Impeachment. This is the most comprehensive report perhaps written on this subject with no political slant – […]

The Fate of Britain – Pound to Parity?

June 17, 2017

We have prepared a very important special report on Britain in the wake of the British election. This special report covers the forecast for the British pound (otherwise known as cable or sterling) against the dollar, euro, and the Japanese yen. Additionally, this covers the long gilts and the share market. We have also addressed […]

French Parliament Elections Tomorrow June 18th

June 17, 2017

Macron was hoping to have a super majority that his new party would sweep the election to give him ultimate power. However, the latest poll taken by BFMTV showed a stunning 61% of French voters did not want the 39-year-old’s party to take the National Assembly. The majority of French voters have said they will […]

Even Switzerland has Gone Stalinistic

June 17, 2017

  The Swiss voted to allow a new oversight of the Federal Intelligence Service to spy domestically for security, of course. There were promises that this would be subject to an independent control to ensure it was not abused and become a Stalinist power. Well, it turns out that the “independent” supervision is just an internal […]

The Fate of Britain – Is This Why Cable Goes to Parity?

June 16, 2017

We have prepared a very important special report on Britain in the wake of the British election. This special report covers the forecast for the British pound (otherwise known as cable or sterling) against the dollar, euro, and the Japanese yen. Additionally, this covers the long gilts and the share market. We have also addressed […]

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