All posts in "News"

Is May 3rd Comey Testimony the Smoking Gun?

May 28, 2017 QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I respect your legal reasoning. A friend of mine is a lawyer and he said you are pretty sharp. So I pose this question. People are claiming that James Comey’s testimony on May 3, 2017 is the smoking gun that proves Trump did not ask him to stop the investigation into […]

US to Sell Off its Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves

May 28, 2017

The US government plans to sell half of the Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves and gasoline. The days of OPEC embargoes of the 1970s are now long past. The government plans to increase its budget for the financial year by $500 million. Therefore, over the next decade, the government wants to increase financial leeway by as much as […]

Schiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE) – Real or Misleading?

May 27, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin,   Long time… perhaps you can reflect on the indicator of the Shiller CAPE ratio? Not that it is a predictive sell/buy signal in itself, but it is an indicator showing history R ANSWER: The Shiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio known as CAPE,  is a particular PE ratio invented by Robert Shiller of […]

Research – Where to find it

May 27, 2017

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I read the research you provided for the Hong Kong WEC. I tried to see if I could find some of the Harper’s Weekly articles you photographed and perhaps others. They are not online. May I ask, where do you get access to such material? ANSWER: I have a very extensive library […]

Interest Rates Up & Bonds Up?

May 26, 2017

While the Fed may be raising rates, there is still a flight to quality underway that is giving a bid to US Treasury issues. Low Treasury yields may remain the norm even if the Federal Reserve raises rates again. At about 2.25%, 10-year yields have dropped to 2017 lows, even with the central bank signaling an […]

Obama Administration Intervened in Canadian, British, and French elections

May 26, 2017

There is a very serious hypocrisy over this whole issue of Russia trying to influence the 2016 election when the Obama Administration directly intervened in Canada, Britain, and France as well as Israel and is expected to do so again in Britain and Germany. The New York Times, Washington Post, and just about every other […]

Catalonia to Separate from Spain?

May 26, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, when you were here in Barcelona, you said that Catalonia would vote to separate from Spain. Most thought you would be wrong. I myself confess I was not sure you would be right. Well you were right, or your amazing computer was correct, and the fever to separate only grows bolder. Do […]

Market Talk – May 25th, 2017

May 25, 2017

Core Asia opened on a positive note following constructive observations from the FED minutes, the addition of apparent OPEC commitments and the lack of market reaction following Moody’s downgrade of China sovereign. Ahead of the long weekend scheduled in the US, the enthusiasm to invest appears positive even as we chase market sentiment. Have we […]

Frankfurt Euro Seminar July 22nd, 2017

May 25, 2017

We will be posting the links for the ticket and the price. This is a half-day session to keep the costs down so we do not need to supply lunch. The conferences like the WEC are expensive for they are always held in 5 star places and include the cost of food and open bars […]

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