All posts in "News"

JFK Assassination – Unintended Victim?

December 2, 2016

There is another side to the JFK assassination that does not actually negate some of the conspiracies that surround CIA or military involvement. It may actually expose that Oswald was the patsy who was out to kill John Connally, not JFK. Nevertheless, the events are still clouded by bureaucrats. After Lee Harvey Oswald delivered those […]

Obama Argues Against Rights for Illegal Immigrants

December 2, 2016

While the left continues to bash Trump as a racist for his stand against migrants, the Obama Administration argued before the Supreme Court yesterday for the same result. The Obama Administration was at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, urging the justices to strike down a court decision granting regular hearings to many migrants jailed on immigration […]

Hollande Bows Out in France – He Will Not Run

December 2, 2016

Well the emails are pouring in already since our post on the upcoming French elections where our model was showing that “Clearly, the socialists are finished.” We further stated: “They made a two election come back, but that was just a reaction reaching 51.63% compared to their peak at 51.76% in 1981. This suggests they […]

Merkel to Deport Refugees for Reelection

December 1, 2016

The inundated Chancellor Angel Merkel has always had her own team who poll her popularity regularly. She cannot let go of power and she is known for not standing for anything but herself. She will change positions whenever necessary to maintain her popularity. Merkel created this entire refugee crisis because she was being criticized for her hardline on […]

Hungary Cracks down on Syrian Refugees

December 1, 2016

Last July, Hungary’s polls showed that the people will NOT accept more refugees. Hungary’s Premier Viktor Orban was told his nation could be kicked out “forever” after “seriously” breaching basic values of the EU. He built a razor-wire fence along Hungary’s southern border to keep migrants out and even told Brussels to help Christian refugees before Muslims. He […]

Euro v Dollar for Hoarding

December 1, 2016

  QUESTION: Hello Martin, A year ago or so you said ‘ I highly recommend Europeans to hoard Dollars instead of Euros. I suppose that hasn’t changed. Do you see in the meanwhile a risk for hoarding Dollars here in Europe ? Are we even facing the Dollar Cash to be cancelled soon ? Thank […]

A New Meaning to “Fresh Blood”

December 1, 2016

New research is giving new meaning to the term “fresh blood” and an additional motive to the legend of Dracula. In a recent study, U.S. researchers injected the blood of human adolescents into older mice who would be the equivalent of 50-years-old humans. Suddenly, their memory, cognition, and physical activity improved. “The treated mice ran around […]

German Government’s Plan to Seize All Farms in Crisis

December 1, 2016

Merkel’s Federal Cabinet has decided on new plans to supply the population in disasters, reports the Reuters news agency. The draft law adopted on Wednesday according to participant data provides inter alia new powers of the authorities. According to this, farms or other foodstuffs can be confiscated in order to ensure the nutrition of the […]

Stein’s Great Fraud – Even Obama Says “We Stand Behind Our Election Results.”

November 30, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Marty, there is something circulated around that if the three states being hand recounted by Stein are not counted by Nov. 13th that the electoral votes from those states will be void and thrown out and giving the win to Hillary. How plausible is this? N ANSWER: That seems to be populated by Edward Foley, an expert in […]

Venezuelan Hyperinflation

November 30, 2016

The Venezuelean hyperinflation is the direct result of what happens when the general population loses all confidence in the government. The current hyperinflation is reminiscent of Germany’s hyperinflation following World War I, which was also the result of a Communist Revolution and the overthrow of the government giving birth to the Weimar Republic.  Venezuela’s currency […]

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