All posts in "News"

Flammable Ice

May 23, 2017

  The big story in Asia has been that China made a major breakthrough being able to extract gas from what people call “Flammable Ice” located under the South China Sea. This has been at the core of China’s insistence on controlling the area.This is an important future global energy supply and not merely a territorial […]

Drone Technology Advances for Human Transport

May 23, 2017

Dubai’s Road & Transportation Agency plans to launch trips with the first fully-electric autonomous aerial vehicle drone. The Prime Minister of the UAE wants 25% of all passenger trips to be made in driverless vehicles by 2030. Perhaps we will try it out in our office in Abu Dhabi. This is the future and it […]

Market Talk – May 22nd, 2017

May 22, 2017

The solid close to US trading on Friday fortunately had more influence than the concerns surrounding the weekend missile test completed by North Korea. The safety bid appeared to be lost in early trade as we watched the JPY lose ground first thing trading 111.60. Despite the marginal performance of the yen the Nikkei joined […]

The Buffoons – Congress & Mainstream Media Join Forces

May 22, 2017

The manner in which the press acts and Congress, shows they are colluding to the point that they are desperately trying to get rid of Trump at all costs. However, what they are doing in the process is completing the forecast made by our model that this is the collapse in the confidence of government. […]

Hong Kong 2017 World Economic Conference May 20-21

May 22, 2017

We would like to thank everyone for a great conference. We apologize to those who could not get a seat. These events have always sold out for they are really mini-UN style meetings with clients from more than 25 countries attending. The next event will be held in Orlando. We promise that in the future […]

BitCoin – Criminals – Authorities

May 21, 2017

QUESTION: Marty, In light of the recent ransomware attacks where individuals/companies are being held hostage until they pay the criminals in bitcoins, why wouldn’t governments around the globe step in and just shut down Bitcoin.   It amazes me.  Bitcoin allows people to sell everything from drugs to trade secrets on Wall Street  and they do […]

Communism Began During the French Revolution in 1793

May 20, 2017

QUESTION: Good morning Martin,recently you stated communism originated in France was wondering if you could give us a short history on that sometime.Keep up the good work as always. W ANSWER: Communism emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. Marx was introduced to the idea whereas Marx had […]

Cyberattacks & the Vulnerability of a Cashless Society

May 20, 2017

QUESTION: Cyberattacks vs. Cash elimination – an argument against eliminating cash. Hello Mr. Armstrong, it is quite apparent that no government, no financial institution, Anti-virus software developer, or either ‘whatever’ is is really capable to stop cyberattacks. Now these people want to eliminate cash, make larger cash amounts illegal. So theoretically these cyber attackers could/ maybe […]

Hamburg Still Seizing Property for Refugees

May 19, 2017

Back in October 2015, we reported that “in response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide temporary housing for refugees. The law will go into effect next and will last until March 2017. Despite the additional […]

Market Talk – May 18th, 2017

May 19, 2017

Asian cash markets had their second chance today to react to the political shenanigans happening in the states. All cash markets were again marked lower with the Nikkei closing -1.3% and was also hindered by the yens strength; as we saw 110.35 trading in the early session. Considering it was trading with a 113 handle […]

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