All posts in "News"

Erdogan Seizes Total Control of Turkey

April 19, 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has achieved his dictator status which was his long-held ambition to expand his powers after the referendum handed him the reins of supreme power. However, the integrity of the vote is seriously questioned and the slim victory of just 51.4% approving a series of constitutional changes converting Turkey’s political system from […]

British PM Calls for Early Election

April 19, 2017

Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday called for an early general election to be held June 8, 2017. She is seeking a strong mandate as she negotiates Britain’s exit from the European Union. She said that while the people voted to leave the EU, the politicians had not and they think because she has a thin […]

The Cycle of Music

April 18, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, isn’t music also cycles with the same structure that repeats? ANSWER: Absolutely. Cycle has specific meanings in the field of music. Of course, acoustically, it refers to one complete vibration, the base unit of Hertz being one cycle per second. Then you have a cycle interval which is a collection of pitch classes […]

United Breaks Guitars

April 17, 2017

This is a great song about United Airlines. In reality, they are all the same. I flew American Airlines and made the mistake of checking a bag. Upon arrival, it was clear that the zipper was cut for I had a lock on it. They said they were not responsible for zippers and it just […]

India Outlawing Cash Altogether in 75 Cities

April 17, 2017

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Friday the 14th, that 75 cities will be designated cashless/less-cash townships, with an overwhelming 56 of them being in Gujarat. Modi is determined to bring India into the 21st century. He is being cheered behind the curtain and every government is keenly watching the results. The townships were actually […]

Trump’s Shift on Positions & the Rise of Kim Jong Un

April 17, 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you said Trump was wrong and China was not a currency manipulator and that Trump was following the same path as James Baker and the Plaza Accord. Everyone knows you are the guy countries run to in the middle of currency wars. Trump just changed his position on China dropping his claim about […]

Trying to Save Monte Paschi – Oldest Bank in the World

April 16, 2017

The EU Commission is looking to bailout Monte Paschi by almost eliminating more than 5,000 jobs. The Monte Paschi plan that was presented last October called for 2600 layoffs. It is the oldest surviving bank in the world and the third largest Italian commercial and retail bank by total assets. This makes it a critical bank in Italy. […]

Degrees Are Not Worth Much – Experience is Everything

April 16, 2017

QUESTION:  I am an 18 year about to attend college, I want to major in economics and minor in history as I want to run for president in my native Cameroon. Should I get a Bachelor’s here in the states and study aboard in either Germany, UK, Egypt or Russia. What are your thoughts? ANSWER: […]

Germany Building Free Housing for Refugees worth 3 million

April 15, 2017

In Germany, Martin Schultz wants to give refugees the right to vote. So if he cannot win with Germans, he wants to give the right to vote to refugees to win by bribing them. The German politicians are now giving them apartments they are constructing that cost about €3 million each. The construction costs actually come out […]

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