All posts in "News"

All Eyes on Greece

February 15, 2017

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has completely failed the Greek people. He was elected to exit the EU but instead he has wiped out his country trying to stay in the Eurozone. Pensions have been attacked 11 times since the crisis began in 2010. The very day Greece asked the IMF for help was precisely on […]

Bill Clinton & Abraham Lincoln Were Elected with Less of the Popular Vote than Trump

February 15, 2017

Obama has clearly set up a shadow government and the Democrats are hell-bent upon obstructing everything and they intend to effectively overturn the Republicans. This is no longer politics as usual where we simply accept who is president and move on. The Democrats are fighting for their Marxist agenda and are intent upon subjugating the […]

WEC 2017 – Now Open for Reservations

February 15, 2017

The 2017 World Economic Conference will be held both Hong Kong and Orlando, Florida. The Hong Kong event will take place May 20-21, 2017 following the French elections. Our important target this year is April/May so we are holding this conference in Asia and timed for the next round in the global economy chaos. Our […]

Dow hits 20,504.41

February 15, 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you said the “main resistance stands for this week at 20505.” The Dow stopped today at 20504.41 and closed on the high. Nobody produced numbers like you do. The Dow goes up and the euro declines. I can connect the dots. Is this correct? ANSWER: Correct. It is the capital flows and Europe […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2017

February 14, 2017

A little profit-taking in the Nikkei today ahead of the FED semi-annual address was to be expected but todays price fall was probably more than most expected. The Nikkei declined 1.15% in todays trading with more concerns over the alluded slowed down after Finance Minister (and deputy Prime Minister) Taro Aso remarked it may take […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2017

  Happy Valentine’s Day which has evolved into simply a tradition of showing one’s love for someone of the opposite sex including your mother or daughter. There has been a growing movement among some Islamic countries to outlaw Valentine’s Day. The latest to join that movement outlawing any outward celebration of the day is Pakistan. […]

Is Europe the new Destination for the North Pole?

February 14, 2017

I explained that the poles of the Earth move. On the Sun, they flip every 11 years and that is part of the Sunspot phenomenon. The poles are by mo means constant. They migrate routinely. However, about the time that Global Warming appears to have peaked, the poles also shifted direction in 2000. The North […]

NOAA Continues to Try to Justify Its Criminal Activity

February 14, 2017

The NOAA is now claiming that independent studies confirm they are right and that global warming is real. The claim only reveals once again how dishonest the NOAA is really acting. This new compilation of temperature records they say is etched into ice cores, old corals, and lake sediment layers, all reveals a pattern of […]

California Begs for Money from Trump

February 14, 2017

  On the one hand it would be nice to see Trump tell California go ask Mexico for aid since Trump is NOT their President. The California debt and unfunded liabilities exceeded $400 billion last year without a prayer of reducing this crisis. The California pension liabilities are way undervalued for they are based upon […]

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