All posts in "News"

Market Talk – February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017

Another strong opening session for the week in Asia with equity markets improving from where they left-off on Friday. The news over the weekend that North Korea had tested weapons failed to scare markets as much as it did the media. Japan’s GDP was a touch under expectation but the Nikkei was pulled along with […]

Dow Jones Industrial Still Pressing Higher

February 13, 2017

Friday’s closing at 20,298.21 in the Dow was still bullish and the main resistance stands for this week at 20505. Exceeding that level and a close above it on Friday would point to an extension into next week. The top of the channel in the 20,700 area. Exceeding that level will warn that we could […]

Entertainment Industry is Leading Charge to Civil War

February 13, 2017

The constant protests by the Entertainment industry against Trump will not subside. There is only one way this is going to end and that is blood in the streets. The riots will only escalate and the left ALWAYS becomes violent. They would not even allow the education secretary to enter a school. The Grammy show […]

Migrating Poles

February 13, 2017

COMMENT: Your stance on the global climate is absolutely correct. Global temperatures remain in a serious downtrend since the Minoan peak. As the Greenland ice cores show, today’s climate is COLDER than 90% of the past 10,000 years! The warming zealots are screaming about CO2, which has risen sharply in the last 150 years (well above […]

Has the Extinction Cycle Also Turned Against Us?

February 13, 2017

QUESTION: Martin, I have a question that is well outside your usual realm of discourse, so please bear with me as I explain. I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that […]

Scientists First Predicted Ice Age – Not Global Warming in 1971

February 13, 2017   Back in 1971, the theory that burning fossil fuels would create an ice age, not global warming. The Washington Post reported on July 9, 1971, that Dr. S. I. Rasool of NASA and Columbia University said that the fine dust from fossil fuel use would block out so much sunlight that the Earth’s “average temperature […]

Greece warned Troika they are Playing with Fire

February 12, 2017

Greek Prime Minister Alexis  is finally getting some backbone thanks to BREXIT. He has now warned the IMF and the German Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble and Merkel along with the Troika, that they should no longer “play with the fire” in the Greek debt crisis. The Troika’s demands have been an all or nothing approach […]

Juncker Will Not Run Again for President of EU – Says it Will Break Up

February 12, 2017

President of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker has announced his departure saying he fears the breakup of the EU and says there is just too much defeatism in Europe. The EU has refused to listen and its fixed goal on a federalized Europe has been unwilling to yield. They have made it an all or now choice, […]

Why Trump should not Nominate Judge Gorsuch

February 12, 2017

President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, has shown he is deeply biased and not qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. His nomination should now be withdrawn. Judge Gorsuch told the New York Times privately expressing “dismay” they reported over Trump’s Tweet regarding Judge James Robart when he wrote:  “The opinion of this […]

9th Circuit Rules Against Trump? Really?

February 12, 2017

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to continue blocking enforcement of President Trump ’s travel ban. They did NOT strike it down. This is a procedural order granting a STAY until all the ramifications are decided. The unanimous decision of the Court of Appeals simply means that a stay preventing a ban […]

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