All posts in "News"

Hillary – Has She Compromised the Country?

June 29, 2016

A very serious issue is starting to rise behind the curtain. Obama is blasting Trump as part of some global elitist group that does not exist outside of those in Obama’s camp who subordinate the people to government. Indeed, it was Obama who played the role of political elitist by interfering in Britain quite disgracefully. He […]

Kondratieff Wave: Interesting But Different From the ECM

June 29, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am just getting started in studying cycles. Someone said you just bumped into the Kondratieff Wave. Your works seems entirely different. Did the K-Wave have any influence on you? Thanks ANSWER: Sadly, the Kondratieff wave, commonly known as the K-Wave, is used for things it was not based upon. Moreover, there were […]

The Rising Trend of Anti-Establishment and Civil Unrest

June 29, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your model on civil unrest and war seem to be rather amazing. The anti-establishment feeling is rising quite strong. Not sure what’s going on with Trump. It looks like the Republicans are still trying to prevent him from being the candidate. All the money is going to Hillary. Government is becoming very […]

Market Talk — June 28, 2016

June 28, 2016

The Nikkei had a poor start but finished better as did Shanghai. HSI closed a little lower (-0.3%) but well up from opening levels. Europe was the main talking point yet again today and with a healthy bounce in both currencies and equities; many people spoke of nothing else. After suffering two awful days, we […]

Standard & Poor’s Reaction Shows Political Bias

June 28, 2016

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 Standard & Poors downgraded United Kingdom (UK), which is comprised of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, from AAA to AA. This shows emotional and political bias rather than any substantial change in economics; they are making good on their political threats of 2015. S&P […]

The Dow Held the Reversal 17120

June 28, 2016

A number of emails are coming in about how, even in a panic, the Reversal system held. The Dow crashed only within a two-day reaction. It elected the first minor Daily Bearish at 17434 on Friday. We saw the Dow fall to 17063 intraday and close at 17140.24 while holding the 17120 level. We warned […]

Hillary & the Email Conspiracy that even Taints Obama

June 28, 2016

I previously reported on June 15, that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails. That is now starting to surface in the press, but naturally outside the USA where the press is more interested in attending her coronation. The notorious Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the targets of Russian hackers. There is no question about […]

Have Scottish Politicians Lost Their Minds?

June 28, 2016

  While Scottish politicians are very vocal about staying in the EU, they have really lost their minds. Their hatred for the Brits has clouded their intelligence to the point one must wonder if they even have a brain that can be turned on or if they are totally brain-dead. The greatest problem with the whole membership in […]

Brussels Proposes Ending Any Right to Vote to Exit EU

June 27, 2016

Sources are talking about desperate times in Brussels. The reaction in Brussels is never reform, but rather more draconian measures. A nine-page report exists discussing how the leaders of Germany, France, and Italy met in Berlin for BREXIT crisis talks. The solution? They want to shut down any democratic possibility of disagreement, as they know […]

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