All posts in "News"

Capital Flows & the Shift to USA for Taxes

July 6, 2016

Since the publication of the Panama Papers, the assets of the wealthy from around the world have been flowing into United States at a sharply increased pace. Tracking capital flows has revealed that capital outflows of liquidity from the EU have distinctly accelerated. The United States is definitively becoming the replacement for Switzerland. The IRS has even […]

The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!

July 6, 2016

I have received emails from people who claim global warming exists and I am in denial. To start, all of the studies that claim there is global warming end with the 19th century. The sun has a documented 300-year cycle between maximum and minimum energy output. It is a thermodynamic system, meaning the energy must fluctuate or […]

Market Talk — July 5, 2016

July 5, 2016

Confidence remains the key in Asia and that is what we remain in search of this evening as we watch global equity markets depreciate. In Asia China was in better shape having seen better than expected Service sector growth resulting in a 0.6% gain. This was only for the first half of the day as […]

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment

July 5, 2016

To indict someone, the criteria is supposed to be “intent.” Comey has used that to pretend there is no evidence that Hillary “intentionally” erased anything. Comey also stated that Hillary’s lawyers erased her emails using a keyword search program and they did not “read” the emails. He added that he would not recommend charges against Hillary […]

Standard Life Suspends Their Property Fund

July 5, 2016

Standard Life suspended trading in its UK property fund after reducing the value of the fund by writing down the value of property by 5%. This set off a wave if liquidation that resulted in the fund being suspended. The management clearly read the press and listened to the politicians way too much. It makes […]

Emails Expose Hillary & Insider Trading on Greek Bailouts?

July 5, 2016

The Clinton scandals will provide endless TV entertainment, which may be more like a reality TV show with the Kardashians. Most people think it will be Donald Trump. Trump may give us some frank insults that are badly needed now and then to keep people focused, but the Clintons will provide never-ending intrigue and scandals. Now […]

Free Market v Central Bank

July 5, 2016

We are beginning to see interest rates rise globally in the free market. After BREXIT exposed the crisis in Europe, the rates began to rise in the peripherals. That will move closer toward the core. The Fed will respond only when the capital sees what is unfolding in Europe and shifts to the States. The […]

Nigel Farage Resigns as Head of UKIP

July 4, 2016

It is a shame, but Nigel Farage is standing down as the leader of the UK Independence Party. Nigel came from the real world and never desired to be a career politician. He has stated that he had done his “bit” following the UK’s referendum vote to leave the EU. “The victory for the ‘Leave’ side […]

Australian Elections Fail to Resolve Political Crisis

July 4, 2016

This weekend we had the elections in Australia. Of course, they were not on our list for the year of political hell. They sold off in the wake of Australia’s weekend election and in parallel fashion with about 5bps of cheapening across the curve. The election vote count will continue on Monday with a few […]

Is Bill Clinton Losing It?

July 4, 2016

The whole meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton calls into question the judgment of both people. Lynch should have declined the meeting and Bill should never have asked to meet her. Why? Sources from Hollywood say Bill is losing it. He is not as sharp as he used to be and he may be on […]

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