All posts in "News"

The Accountability Act

June 16, 2016

A lot of people have asked what my platform would be if I ran for president. Aside from eliminating the income tax and imposing term limits upon Congress (one time and you are out), I would champion the Accountability Act. The Inspector General’s report clearly shows Hillary should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 2071, […]

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server

June 15, 2016

Russia has reportedly hacked Hillary’s server. The energy magazine reported that Russian intelligence informed Western intelligence agencies that the government in Moscow is now planning to publish the emails from Hillary Clinton. If this proves to be true, then this will confirm that she placed national security second to her personal self-interest. The emails are widely expected to reveal how […]

Department of Labor Changes Interpretation of Act to Raise Minimum Wages

June 15, 2016

The U.S. Department of Labor, acting on a directive of President Obama issued back in March 2014, has announced changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Beginning this fall, the act will basically double the amount of money workers must make to be exempt from federal overtime pay requirements. Essentially, employees with gross salaries […]

Preparing to Flip the Fundamentals

June 15, 2016

  QUESTION: Martin, In your June 6, 2016 Blog about a Fed rate hike you said “… the decision will cause the stock market to take off ….” I understand but do you speculate the market will initially pull back in shock from a rate increase or start to jump up? Regards, DR ANSWER: Over the […]

1800 was Almost the Second American Revolution

June 15, 2016

Political rivalry in the United States has been taking place since 1800 when the clash between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians pushed the political body of the nation to the point where it teetered on the brink of a second American Revolution. This clash of the Titans was sparked when the Federalists were about to lose power. […]

Pensions Continue to Spiral Downward

June 14, 2016

There are 11 million workers in Britain who assumed they had great pensions. The British Steel Pension Scheme is proposing to break its pension promises to its 130,000 members because they are losing money. Tata Steel is looking to sell its holding in its UK plants over the next few months, and that means that the £15bn pension scheme, […]

Goldman Sachs Used Prostitutes To Sell Deals?

June 14, 2016

Goldman Sachs is in a lawsuit for allegedly using prostitutes, fancy meals, and hotels to swindle the Libyan government in a $1.2 billion lawsuit. Now, before you condemn them, let me explain that New York City is not just the Big Apple — New York is the most unethical place, perhaps on Earth or at least in […]

BREXIT – Sterling & Euro

June 14, 2016

Based on the fact that the majority of big money trades fundamentally, we should expect the overall trend of the euro to rally against the pound. We can see that the euro has been strong, rising sharply, and we may yet see a further rally. Keep in mind that the LONG-TERM projections are bearish for […]

Market Talk — June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016

Todays Asian equity weakness was both a spill-over from the weak Friday sessions but also strength in the JPY. From the opening bell we saw the Nikkei off over 1.5% and it literally could not recover. Among the areas that suffered most were exporters with losses around 4% for Nissan, Toyota and Sony. With BOJ […]

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