All posts in "News"

Surving the Coming Transition

April 20, 2016

QUESTION:  Dear Martin and co-workers, Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the writings at the blog (it opened my eyes! and I am very much awake now) and I read a daily. I am a stay-at-home-mother, artist, and I had never before gained knowledge about economics , it’s corruptive nature, and leading role in […]

Illinois Cannot Pay the Politicians

April 20, 2016

I have warned that Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy. Now, Illinois Comptroller Leslie Geissler Munger says she will delay monthly paychecks for lawmakers and statewide officials since there isn’t enough money to pay the state’s bills and other services should come first. This is really interesting. What will happen next when the politicians cannot get […]

How to Survive Your Own Trading Decisions

April 20, 2016

We are in one of the most dangerous periods in many markets from metals and stocks to currencies and bonds. Many people end up buying highs and selling lows because they trade emotionally. They assume if something rallies one day that the trend has changed. If you want to survive your own trading decisions, you […]

Making Up More Lies to Justify Biased Nonsense

April 20, 2016

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I happen to be an anti-trust lawyer. Your piece on the airlines was on point. I am also interested in the precious metals. Recently, one of the “promoters” said you did not know anything about anti-trust. That to me proved these people just say anything and lack the integrity or knowledge about […]

The Dow Pressing Higher?

April 19, 2016

This is perhaps the most bearish rally in history. The number of people yelling that the market will crash 80% to 90% is still amazing and the number of short positions remains at record highs, proving this rally is far from over. Now we approach a cluster of Weekly Bullish Reversals below the former major […]

66% Of German People Against Merkel

April 19, 2016

According to a recent poll, 66% of Germans are now against Merkel. As it now stands, if the election were today, she would find perhaps the lowest number of votes of any world leader. It is now impacting everything as vacation spots are seen as possible targets, especially in Spain and France where there is […]

Refugees Take Over Paris Metro

April 19, 2016

Europe is being torn apart from the inside. In Paris, the metro station is turning into a slum and war zone. School gyms in Germany have been turned into dorms for migrants and many kids have lost sports as a result. This has turned everything just completely nuts. I have been told that many people […]

Negative Interest Rates Destroying the World Economy

April 18, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to see the light you have been shining. Negative interest rates really are “completely insane”. I also now see that months after you wrote about central banks were trapped, others are now just starting to entertain the idea. Is this distinct difference in your views that eventually […]

Saudi Threat to Sell U.S. Assets is No Big Deal

April 18, 2016

Saudi Arabia has threatened the Obama administration and congressional leaders that it will sell billions of dollars in U.S. financial assets if Congress passes a bill to make the Saudi government legally responsible for any role in the 9/11 attacks. That bill would allow claims to freeze their assets in the USA by a judge pending […]

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