All posts in "News"

Will The Youth Save Us?

March 17, 2016

James Paterson, the youngest senator ever to be elected in Australia at 28-years-old, has boldly stated, “I’m not here for personal power and advancement.” He is a member of the Liberal Party and says he is there to pursue “radical reforms,” which include throwing out the national curriculum in schools, for they are indeed pointless, and reimposing a […]

Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court

March 17, 2016

  President Barack Obama has made his selection for nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Appellate court Judge Merrick Garland from the District of Columbia is his choice. Of course, the Senate Republicans have vowed to block any Obama nominee. This is purely politics. Historically, those who have been appointed to the Supreme Court do not […]

Super Tuesday II – The Coming Split of the Republican Party

March 16, 2016

A Republican Party split is looking much closer after today. Trump won Florida, Rubio’s home state, and that led Rubio to drop out. However, Trump was denied a victory in Ohio, which was won by its own sitting governor, John Kasich. This will make it very difficult for Trump to win the necessary delegates for a first […]

Primitive Analysis Hard at Work

March 16, 2016

  The usual domestic analysis has its usual blinders on like a horse pulling a carriage in Central Park. Typically, this analysis blames everything on the Fed and remains clueless about international capital flows or trends. They argue that the S&P 500 doubled in value from November 2008 to October 2014, coinciding with the Federal Reserve […]

Space Time – The Chicken or the Egg?

March 16, 2016

Fabric of Space Time QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Do you think of cycles and time as the same thing and interchangeable? Is it time that defines the architecture of a cycle or a cycle that characterises what we know as time? A ANSWER: This is an interesting and very deep question. Recently, a group of scientists have […]

Hillary Bullshits About Obamacare

March 16, 2016

My personal insurance costs under Blue Cross doubled. Absolutely everyone I have spoken to has had the same result. Here, a woman tells Clinton that the Democrats are out of touch. Her family of four had their healthcare costs “skyrocket” from $480 a month to $1,080 a month. This is causing a dramatic economic decline […]

The Great Unwashed Are Getting Angry

March 15, 2016

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Well, if the establishment in collusion with the MSM continues to pull dirty tricks and deny Trump the nomination or ultimately the election, we are in for very serious trouble in this country. Their other weapon is assassination. The “great unwashed” is totally fed up with the corruption. It is going to […]

Are Career Politicians trying to create a Dictatorship?

March 15, 2016

We have a very serious crisis in democracy brewing. The establishment is deliberately sending protesters to Trump rallies to create the image that the bulk of the people are against Trump. Worse is the prospect that, even if Trump wins the Republican primaries, they will not allow him to be the Republican candidate. This is […]

The Republican Establishment is Destroying the Party of Reagan

March 15, 2016

Many emails have come in asking how in the world our computer predicted 2016 would be sheer political chaos years in advance. Our political models correlate to the economy as does war. This is not about being clairvoyant. This is about the simple facts. People demand change when their standard of living continually declines. Likewise, […]

It’s Pi Day

March 14, 2016

A very quick and easy approximation for π is 22/7 = 3.1428571… But as you can see, 22/7 is not exactly correct. In fact, π is not equal to the ratio of any two numbers, which makes it an IRRATIONAL NUMBER. An irrational number is a real number that cannot be written as a simple fraction. Irrational means […]

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