All posts in "News"

“The Forecaster” Screening in Calgary

February 29, 2016

The Globe Cinema (617 8 Ave. SW) in Calgary, Canada, is holding a private screening of “The Forecaster” this Saturday at 1 PM. Following the film, Martin Armstrong will conduct a live Q&A via Skype. If you are interested in attending, you will need to preregister: Cost is a $10 (or greater) cash donation to the […]

Advice for Trump

February 29, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do you not advise Trump as Rubio and the Media demand details from him but not from anyone else as to their economic plan? CB ANSWER: I do not advise Trump. If he really wants to make an impact, he should watch the “Solution” DVD. If he demonstrated that we need major reform because we are […]

Hollywood – Ready or not; Here We Come

February 29, 2016

COMMENT: A Hollywood feature film – well done. And you’re circumspect enough to realize it’s “the collective”, “the source”, whatever, that decides ALL; not you. But you’ve been gifted a particular insight; or was it those years incarcerated, studying your navel? Ahh- the irony! Thank you so much. NMM REPLY: Yes, I signed the contracts for the […]

Dow Outlook – Month End February 2016

February 28, 2016

  Technically, the Dow Jones Industrials almost set up to make a “Channel Move” between two channels, but they interestingly overlapped instead with no gap between. This is one reason the S&P 500 could break last year’s low, but not the Dow. We made a new high for the month on Friday closing at 16639.97. […]

Crude Oil – Month-End February 2016

February 28, 2016

  We have interestingly reached an 86-year peak in oil reserves. This may actually be the end of that trend. Oil prices are causing companies to collapse, and in the Middle East various states have been forced to borrow money and raise taxes. We closed last month at $33.62 and held the Monthly Bearish at $33.55. […]

Euro for Month-End Feb 2016

February 28, 2016

Our main number to watch remains at the 10460 level on a monthly closing basis. Our Major Monthly Bearish rests down at 9860. Our critical support begins at the 10335 level during 2016. Once that gives way intraday, we can see this fall to the 98 level. We still do not see a final low […]

Is There a Way Out of this Mess?

February 27, 2016

QUESTION: Marty Thanks for bringing such clear view of what is happening, but please, come to us with an “ideal solution”. I fully agree with your complaints, I am laughing with you sometime for silly questions, but you have not brought a little light so far showing the right direction. If at least we knew what […]

American Pie – Bye Bye miss American Pie – End of the World?

February 27, 2016

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic songs ever written was “American Pie” by Don McLean. For decades this song was debated as to what it meant. Most assumed it had to do with the collapse of society. That seemed to be the general consensus. After all, its famous lyrics seemed to imply the end of the […]

GDP Declines When Govt. Grows — This is Basic Common Sense

February 27, 2016

A reader has contributed these charts that demonstrate why the socialist agenda is destroying the world. As the reader points out: “It seems that the optimal govt spending (share) is max 35% (US, AUS), and not >50% like in Europe. Lower govt expenditure has doubled GDP at least in the recent history.” The socialists refuse to […]

Market Talk – February 26th, 2016

February 27, 2016

We saw healthy performances across all Asian Indices amongst the G20 headlines. There is much talk about additional fiscal stimulus coming from China whilst Germany takes the opposite view (expressed by Wolfgang Schaeuble) stating that easy monetary policy “risks serious side effects”. Core indices closed higher on the day (Nikkei +0.3% and Shanghai +1%) but […]

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