All posts in "News"

Trading Reversals in Reverse

February 16, 2016

Trading  is something you have to develop a “feel” for. The only way to do that is with experience. The object of our modeling is to place the entire world before you. Once you become familiar with how to use the model, you will be able to look at any market and ascertain its direction […]

Plagues & Changes in Economics — The Hunt for Taxes

February 16, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I assume you have studied this hunt for money government goes through. Has it always ended in the collapse of government? Thank you PD ANSWER: No. It really depends upon the economic system in place. There are two comparable plagues that devastated the world population. One ended in oppression and the other […]

Renaissance Man – What Is It Really?

February 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read a Wall Street Journal article on you from 1999. They called you a Renaissance Man. You are certainly so diverse and a strong person to endure what you have but still you do not wallow in self pity. What is your secret? Respectfully; BT Ida Armstrong ANSWER: My mother raised me to […]

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Died In His Sleep

February 14, 2016

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died at the age of 79 in his sleep. He was on a hunting trip in Texas with friends and he went to bed Friday night commenting to his friend that he wasn’t feeling very well. He died peacefully in his sleep. I know many people despised him […]

No Need to Live in Fear – It’s the Ying and Yang of Civilization

February 14, 2016

QUESTION: Martin. …Thank you for getting back to me. I have one quick question though. What does it mean when you say “It is in the staging period”? Thank you for your insights. I don’t want to live in fear, but don’t know what to do. ANSWER: There is no need to live in fear. If […]

The Global Hunt for Money

February 13, 2016

COMMENT: Dear Martin, The hunting for taxes is a non stop game in Portugal. Now, the new government, decided to increase fuel taxes as they said because “oil price is going down and government is getting less VAT due to lower prices.”. This was THE OFFICIAL government explanation to add a special tax on fuel! […]

Is There Something More Important Than Money?

February 13, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were named hedge fund manager of the year with the most amazing public track record which nobody has ever come close to matching. You have been named Analyst of the Year. I spoke to people in Australia where you managed a public fund for Deutsche Bank. They said if you would […]

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