All posts in "Armstrong"

ECM & the Cycle Inversion?

August 8, 2018

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a global business cycle. The entire world economy NEVER peaks and bottoms together. This latest turning point of July 12th, 2018 (2018.529) has apparently provided a MAJOR warning that we just could be moving into a major Cycle Inversion from the perspective of the United States. What does that […]

Market Talk- August 7, 2018

August 7, 2018

No new headlines and a strong US market resulted in a positive day for Asia. Finally, we saw some bounce back in the Shanghai index after it has been weak for so long. Today’s 2.75% recovery is a start, but considering the YTD decline sits around -16%, there is still a fair way to go! […]

Is SO2 the Real Threat – not CO2?

August 7, 2018

It has snowed in Alberta, Canada on August 1st in the dead of summer. Such strange events like this have not been common. Europe is burning from heat when buildings do not even have air conditioning because they never needed it. The concern that we are headed into a volcanic weather event really needs our attention. […]

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

August 7, 2018

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by Jones and his Infowars website. Other companies have rushed to join including Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify. The general reason is Jones’s podcasts are viewed as “hate content” which can subject them to heavy […]

Understanding The Dollar Strength

August 7, 2018

  It is fascinating to watch how the bias in people just ensures not just that a sucker is born every minute to replace the one that wises-up, but there are suckers who never learn from experience and cling to their ideas no matter how much it costs them. The U.S. dollar has been climbing […]

Market Talk- August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018

A quiet start to the week in Asia, but the effects of China’s FX move are Friday is still being felt on core equity markets. The overhang of PBOC’s structural intervention in the off-shore FX markets continued today with the Yuan appreciating even more. The Shanghai exchange almost balanced this move with another decline today […]

The 3rd Film on the Magnitsky Affair

August 6, 2018

    There is also a third film produced which ties Browder, Safra, Magnitsky, and Berezovksy all together and there have been critics of this as well. Something is very strange why this affair ever rose to the level of passing the Magnitsky Act. This appears to be a false flag to demonize Putin and thereby all Russians […]

Why Has the Magnitsky Film Been Banned in USA & Europe?

August 6, 2018

The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes has been pulled from everywhere. You do not ban a film in Europe and the United States if it is wrong. This is perhaps a huge cover-up that goes really beyond comprehension. The film was funded by ZDF TV in Europe and they have the power to prevent it from […]

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