Despite a better than expected GDP in Japan (almost double expectations) yesterday failed to inspire much of a follow through today. That was the case until the cash market closed and it was only then that the Yen took a turn for the worse. In late US trading the Yen broke into the 109 handle […]
QUESTION: Hi Martin Here’s an update on a new militarization event on a USA-to-Canada vehicle border crossing at Port-Huron bridge, MI. At 3 am Sat morning I was bottled necked at the Toll bridge, on the USA side, with only one lane open for both truck and car traffic. The short of the story, is that […]
George Soros is a Hungarian born August 12, 1930 who became an American. I believe he has done everything possible to further a Marxist takeover of the United States and his support of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine should not be confused with any sort of actual freedom. Ukraine has merely replaced one group of corrupt officials […]
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it has become expressly clear that you have created a model which beats everything out there. Your forecasts on gold that it would rally up to 1362 and then crash was impressive as was your call for new highs in the Dow back in 2011. Nevertheless, these forecasts pale in comparison to your […]
This year’s World Economic Conference held in Orlando included people from more than 30 countries. This has become almost like a College reunion. We are looking at holding one perhaps in 6 months in Hong Kong. We will keep you posted. This will be after the next election in France. Yes Donald Trump was here […]
Trump has proposed capping student debt at 12.5% of their income and a debt forgiveness at 15 years. Yes this will cost something, but it is the only way to unwind the unfair practices of the Clintons, who made student loans non-dischargable in bankruptcy. But then the shifty bankers had often parents cosign the student […]
In Japan we saw a much better than was forecast GDP release (+2.2% v’s expectations of +0.9%) which created a huge positive move for the Nikkei but to the detriment of the JPY. The Nikkei finished the day 1.7% higher whilst the Yen traded back over the 108 handle a move on the day of around 1.6% […]
In a very large demonstration against the planned constitutional referendum in Italy to take place on December 4th, 2016, the demonstrations are turning into riots. Hundreds of protesters threw smoke bombs, stones, and fireworks on policemen, who in turn used batons to beat the people. According to Italian media, one person was injured. The demonstrators tried to reach […]