All posts in "Armstrong"

Wall Street Starting to Worry That Hillary May Lose

July 27, 2016

Support for Hillary continues to collapse. Wall Street’s previous expectation was that Hillary would win. That was the opinion of about 80% of the people on Wall Street. That has now crashed to 52%. As Hillary’s email scandal gets worse and worse, and the DNC email scandal adds to the fire, the opinions are starting […]

Obama Blames Russia for Exposing DNC & Hillary Fraud – Sorry, Not Likely

July 27, 2016

Obama has come out and blamed Russia for hacking the DNC. This, of course, is a diversion to create sympathy for Hillary and change the top of fraud, lies, and conspiracy against Bernie. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has responded by saying that “there is no proof whatsoever” that Russian intelligence is behind the thousands of hacked […]

Wikileaks Confirms Hillary is For Sale

July 26, 2016

The WikiLeaks release of the Democratic National Committee’s emails and documents have confirmed what has always been self-evidence to those behind the curtain — Hillary does not represent the people, she represents those who give her big money. Hillary takes money from the Wall Street guys and does their bidding. That is why the Clintons […]

Wikileaks & DNC Emails Show Conspiracy Against Bernie

July 26, 2016

The hacking of the Democratic Party has been an eye-opener. WikiLeaks dumped a massive load of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee onto the web on Friday. The thousands of internal e-mails have shown how crooked the party has become and revealed that a party official tried to use Bernie Sanders’ supposed religious beliefs to derail his presidential campaign […]

Hacker Guccifer Leaks New DNC Data

July 26, 2016

The hacker group Guccifer has released another batch of documents from the Democratic National Committee’s servers. The top-20 personal individuals donating to Hillary are mostly hedge fund and Hollywood titans: Haim & Cheryl Saban $10 million (financial services, entertainment, and media) George Soros $7 million (hedge fund) James Simons $7 million (hedge fund) JB & […]

Taiwan v China: Is it Time for Confrontation?

July 26, 2016

The tension between China and Taiwan has been going on for decades. Historically, the Republic of China was a state established in East Asia from 1912 to 1949 on mainland China, which included Mongolia and Taiwan. It was preceded by the last imperial dynasty of China, the Qing dynasty, which was the last royal dynasty […]

Trade Misinvoicing & $78 Billion of Missing Gold

July 26, 2016

  Did $78 billion in gold exports from South Africa really go missing? Nope. As taxes rise, so does trade misinvoicing. This confusing term is actually a method for moving money across borders, primarily to avoid taxes. The Global Financial Integrity Group claims that $465.3 billion was underreported in 2004. They argue that this figure rose to just over $1,090.1 […]

Market Talk — July 25, 2016

July 25, 2016

  Even though we have two central banks announcing rate decision this week, in addition to Tuesday being one of the busiest corporate reporting days of the year and hearing from the G20 at the weekend, this week looks to be one of the quietest! Asia had no reaction to anything emerging from the G20 […]

Lagarde to Stand Trial for Negligence Fraud

July 25, 2016

  If Trump wins, he says he would prosecute Hillary for her crimes. At least in France, the courts are not as corrupt as they are in the United States. The highest court has ruled that the notorious head of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Christine Lagarde  must stand trial for a financial scandal. Back in 2008, […]

They Are Tracking Duty-Free Purchases in Airports

July 25, 2016

Have you ever wondered why you have to show your boarding pass to purchase something in the duty-free shops, after passing security, when in fact nobody can be there without a boarding pass? The answer is starting to surface. It turns out the government is tracking the destination of travelers who buy anything in the […]

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