All posts in "Armstrong"

More Emails reveal Hillary’s Conflict of Interest

August 16, 2016

Hillary has unquestionably been open for business. All the financial scandals of the Clintons belong to her from Travelgate forward. This latest batch of emails shows that donating to the Clinton Foundation was the means to get access to the Secretary of State. This is really unprecedented. The Hillary White House is going to be party […]

Market Talk – August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016

Marginally disappointing as far as Japan is concerned, but having just seen Q2 GDP at zero (against estimation of +0.2%) already called down from the 0.5% seen in Q1, it was no surprise the market was torn today. The strength of both the Shanghai and Hang Seng lifted sentiment more than prices which certainly gave […]

Why is August the Most Active Month for War?

August 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that August is the season of war. Can you explain a bit more than just that. I am sure you have before. But I am new to the blog. Thank you for opening my mind ND ANSWER: The majority of wars have begun in the spring and summer with August […]

Nixon v Hillary

August 15, 2016

Richard Nixon was accused of being corrupt because some supporters back in the 1950s set up a fund he could use for political purposes. When it came out about this fund, it was touted as corruption. Nixon’s political career was on the line. He was chosen as Vice President by Ike who was a general […]

Why the Republican Neo-Conservatives Really Support Hillary

August 15, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; It is clear that the Republican elite support Hillary over Trump and of course the press with every story is negative. This is really strange with the GOP leaders who claim to be conservative. Obviously the press has become a propaganda machine to only destroy the country to maintain the status quo. Is […]

The New Highs in US Share Market Are they the Prelude to a Crash?

August 14, 2016

Finally, the Dow made new highs in the face of constant calls for a crash. This past week, in a horse race we would call it a trifecta where the Dow Jones Industrials,  S&P 500,and  the NASDAQ all made new record highs.  This sent a bunch of analysts to look again and began to proclaim […]

The Panic of 1683 Was the First

August 14, 2016

This is the list of panics I discovered in the library at Princeton University. I simply added the period of 224 years from 1683 to 1907 which yield 8.615 as the common frequency dividing that period by the 26 events. I did not expect this to produce events to the day. The mere fact that […]


August 14, 2016

This week, a German cooperative savings bank in the Bavarian village of Gmund am Tegernsee with less than 10,000 in population, announced it will begin charging retail customers to hold their cash starting in September. This will apply to accounts greater than €100,000 euros. This means the bank will charge customers 0.4 percent, which amounts to […]

Islam v Christianity Part II

August 13, 2016

This contest between Islam and Christianity is primarily at the elite level. The bulk of those in Turkey do not support the idea of returning to the days of old. Of course, both Hitler and Napoleon dreamed about resurrecting the Roman Empire. By no means did this same dream infect the general population. These types […]

Hillary from a Supporter

August 13, 2016

  I landed in Tampa and called UBER. I got an older woman who was very much a Hillary supporter. I engaged in a conversation not to try to change her mind, but to listen to her reasoning. It was fascinating how she took the position Trump would start a war by insulting people and […]

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