All posts in "Armstrong"

Let the Voter Fraud Begin in BREXIT – Ready, Set Rig It!

May 31, 2016

British voters in the EU referendum  are shown how to vote to reject BREXIT and stay in the EU by the government. The Telegraph has at least shown that the Postal Voting system provides the example showing REMAIN in the EU. That is of course the first box to check. The government will count on […]

Former US Attorney General Admits Snowden did a Public Service

May 31, 2016

Obama’s former US attorney general Eric Holder has said the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden performed a “public service” by starting a debate over government surveillance techniques. He then had the guts to say it was still illegal and he should stand trial. There is no possible way Snowden would EVER be treated fairly, […]

Analysts Lost in the Cavities of their Own Minds?

May 31, 2016

  While all the fundamental gold analysts are blaming Yellen for saying she will raise rates because the economy is doing better so gold is falling out of bed, meanwhile, the stock market has been moving higher despite the rate hike expectations. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said global markets appear to be […]

Market Talk for May 30th, 2016

May 30, 2016

Asian market were mixed on a very quiet start to what could be a busy week. As the USD extended its recent gains against the JPY resulting in the Nikkei rebounding, closing up 1.4%. Shanghai and HSI also closed better but only with marginal moves. Japanese government announced over the weekend that any rise in […]

Obama breaks with Saudi Arabia

May 30, 2016

Tension continue to build between the USA and Saudi Arabia. Besides allowing the Saudi’s to be sued in US courts over 911, the USA is cutting off providing cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. The reason given purports this is due to reports of hundreds of civilian casualties in Yemen. In fact, the USA is no longer in […]

Open Letter to the Guardian

May 30, 2016

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

Cameron getting Mainstream Media to Brainwash People

May 30, 2016

There are serious concerns arising in Britain how the mainstream media is on board on betraying the people at the request of the government. The press has been given the word  to convince the people to surrender all their rights in Britain to save the bureaucrats in Brussels. The Telegraph newspaper has been using a different polling […]

Private Important Dow Update for Month-End

May 29, 2016

Despite what the majority have been saying, we are likely to see a lot of blood on Wall Street See Private Blog Because this is Important for Clients Only to be published tomorrow

EU Passed Tax ID Numbers for Everyone

May 29, 2016

The EU is laying the groundwork for everyone in Europe to be given a new tax ID number in preparation for moving to electronic money. They are using a National Insurance number pretense to disguise the real objective. This scheme was passed by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee last week. This is another step in […]

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