All posts in "Armstrong"

BREXIT Reality or a Manipulated Outcome?

February 24, 2016

COMMENT: Dear Martin, London 23rd Feb, it is very sad, I cannot find one main stream news outlet that is backing a Brexit. They are all preaching fear, even Boris is not campaigning hard (yet only I hope) and the BBC which is meant to be unbiased is clearly Pro EU. Is this the sound of […]

Does the IMF Follow our Forecasts?

February 24, 2016

COMMENT: Marty; it is clear that the IMF is reading your forecasts. No such agency has the power to provide any economic forecast whatsoever. The IMF is starting to mimic your forecasts since you said China would decline into 2020 when no one else said that and now Lagarde says China will be a drag […]

Trump v Apple

February 24, 2016

I believe that Donald Trump is way off base here because he is not a programmer. If Apple creates a backdoor for the FBI in its phones then hackers will also find that back door and all security will be lost. I applaud Apple to standing up to the government. They are a bunch of pinheads […]

Market Talk for February 23rd, 2016

February 23, 2016

Asian stocks returned some of yesterdays gains as nerves and another turn in the oil price weighs on sentiment. Renimbi was fixed at its lowest level since early January in covered by a hefty cash injection. Stan Charter shares were down 3% after releasing weak earnings. All core markets drifted to close around the 1% […]

$100 & €500 and the imminent End of Cash

February 23, 2016

Our writings on the end of cash were picked up in one of the last really independent newspapers in Germany: the Fuldaer Zeitung. Slowly, the word is getting out. The more people understand the trend, the greater the chances we can push the tree in the right direction when it falls. 20160223-TZ- – Fuldaer Zeitung […]

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

February 23, 2016

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social issues to get everyone wound-up, but when it comes to economics; well there is no real difference. Neither side will reform or downsize government. Their solution will […]

Why Largarde Stayed at the IMF? To Increase its Global Power

February 23, 2016

Christine Lagarde Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund spoke at the IMF Arab Fiscal Forum: Fiscal Policy and Growth in Abu Dhabi on February 22, 2016. Her message was clear – forget downsizing government or reforming anything, just raise taxes.  She opened the conference saying: “This event is taking place at a pivotal moment not only […]

The Forecaster Screening in Calgary

February 23, 2016

On Saturday, March 5, 2016, at 1:00 pm there will be a showing in Calgary, Canada, at The Globe Cinema (617 – 8 Ave SW). This will be a private screening of “The Forecaster” movie. If you are interested in attending, you will need to preregister here: Cost is a $10 (or greater) cash donation […]

In Kentucky Men To Require Note From Wife for Viagra

February 23, 2016

  Mary Lou Marzian, a politician in Kentucky, introduced a bill that has really raised some eyebrows. The bill proposes to ban men from accessing Viagra and other similar drugs unless they have a signed note from their wife and a sworn promise to only use the drugs with their spouse. This is clearly way over […]

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