All posts in "Armstrong"

The Central Bankers Are Crazy & Public is Out Of Its Mind – Where’s the Beef?

March 12, 2016

The central bankers are simply crazy, not evil. They are trying to steer the economy by utilizing this simpleton theory that if you make something cheaper, someone will buy it. Japanese and German cars managed to get a major foothold in the U.S. because the quality of U.S. manufacturers collapsed, thanks to unions. The socialist […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Destroying Europe

March 12, 2016

Ever since the Cologne sexual assaults by the refugees, things have gotten far worse in Germany. The press tends to still hide the crisis. Nevertheless, drawing only from German media reports which have made it to the public, a list documenting more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by refugees in train […]

The Dow For the week of 03/14/2016

March 12, 2016

While the markets have cheered the public admission that the central banks have completely failed in their quantitative easing and they will now buy more for longer, the technical profile is not as buoyant as it might appear on the surface. We have at least begun to enter the resistance area, but we have still […]

Market Talk – March 11th, 2016

March 11, 2016

Asia performed across the board with gains of between +0.5% to +1.1%. We have seen that carried forward into US trading with futures adding 1.5% to the cash closes. I want to move-on quickly to Europe today as this is where we are receiving many questions. The first thing we need to highlight is the why stock […]

Instructional Video: Slingshot Moves

March 11, 2016

Above is an instructional video example explaining slingshot moves and their timing For future reference, this video can be found under our “Models” section.  

The ECB – A Victim of its own Ignorance?

March 11, 2016

“Rates will stay low, very low, for a long period of time and well past the horizon of our purchases,” Draghi declared. “From today’s perspective and taking into account the support of our measures to growth and inflation, we don’t anticipate that it will be necessary to reduce rates further.” The ECB cut its main interest […]

The King of Wall Street Dies at 86 – John Gutfreund

March 11, 2016

The man who made Wall Street famous was John Gutfreund, which he always pronounced as GOOD-friend, has died at the age of 86 who became known as “King of Wall Street” back in 1985 for building the Investment Bank and bond trading house of Salomon Brothers into the number one underwriter in the world, the […]

Market Talk – March 10, 2016

March 10, 2016

The surprise rate cut by the New Zealand Central Bank earlier this morning spooked a few markets especially ahead of the ECB later in the day. The Nikkei liked the news which resulted in a +1.3% rally but that has been reversed after the wests reaction to the ECB this evening. In late US trading […]

Looking at the Future Clearly

March 10, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; I couldn’t stop reading the new Gold Report. All I can say is WOW. Thanks for showing your $5,000 target is not just pulled out of thin air like everyone else. It is always the interplay that determines the trend. This blows away the typical garbage analysis. Nothing can be looked at by […]

Rome & the Birth of the United States

March 10, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you saying they never intended to create a democracy since the founding fathers created the Electoral College? ANSWER: Correct. We have a republic and not a democracy, despite the fact they call this a democracy. You vote for delegates to represent you. The rules allow them to defeat any public choice […]

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