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Beware May 7th, 2024

November 27, 2023

QUESTION: Marty, Thank you for a fantastic conference. If it were not for your forecast that the dollar would rise and rates would rise, putting European banks in distress before the USA, you would have saved our company a fortune. I know it’s Socrates, but we still need you here. Now that they have postponed […]

The Business Cycle & National Debt

November 27, 2023

The US national debt has exceeded $33 trillion and counting. For decades, people have predicted that the dollar will crumble to dust and gold will rise to the moon. They have applied to the Austrian School of Economics to no avail. Then you have the opposite side pushed by economists like Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul […]

US Air Force Does Not Want Trump Supporters

November 27, 2023

(Above: Far-right domestic terrorists) The government is watching what you do and who you support. They are first alerting military service members that their political alliance could jeopardize their futures. This will be common practice once digital IDs and corresponding social credit scores are implemented. The Air Force has alerted service members not to attend […]

Yellen Says America Has Not Done Enough for Ukraine

November 27, 2023

Janet Yellen never has anything of value to say, but she is the US Treasury Secretary and a mouthpiece for the globalists. Janet Yellen believes that Europe needs “us [USA] to do our part for this to hold together as a package,” despite sending Ukraine more funding than any other nation. Yellen said it is […]

Zelensky Wants Poland to Invade Ukraine

November 27, 2023

Zelensky is facing rising opposition. He has suspended the elections because he was elected promising peace and has consistently waged war and refused even to negotiate peace. He authorized a false flag shooting a missile into Poland, and tried blaming that on Russia. Zelensky told CNN in February 2023 that he refused to negotiate with […]

COVID-23 First Announced

November 26, 2023

Here we go again – the World Health Organization has requested information from China in regard to a new respiratory illness and clusters of pneumonia in children. Chinese authorities are blaming the lack of COVID-19 regulations/lack of continued government control in the name of public health. The WHO said that the “influenza-like illness” is comparable […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Understanding a Liquidity Crisis

November 25, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Understanding a Liquidity Crisis Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit Ask-Socrates.com. https://ask-socrates.com/

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