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Ernst & Young no longer Requires Degrees – No Evidence a Degree = Success

February 27, 2017

  I have warned that 2015.75 was the peak in government and the two many industries that government subsidizes has created the decay within our American society reducing disposable income – healthcare and education. Degrees I have warned are really worthless. About 60% of graduates cannot find employment in the degree they have paid for. […]

Global Market Watch – Knee Jerk Events

February 26, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; The GMW was saying it was a knee jerk low the day before the week closed. Do you have to wait for the week close? KW ANSWER: Technically yes. The comment is as of the close of that time level so in the case of Knee Jerk Events, it is forecasting in reality […]

Why Every Policeman Should Not Carry Guns – Only Specially Trained Squads

February 26, 2017

  An off-duty Los Angeles police officer pissed-off at teens traipsing on his lawn pulled out his gun and fired a shot during a sidewalk scuffle with several minors. Protests were sparked after a video that was filmed on Tuesday afternoon emerged showing the confrontation between the off-duty LAPD cop and a group of teens […]

French Government to Track Everyone, Everywhere

February 26, 2017

COMMENT: Martin, it happens now, as you wrote,  all of each french citizen will be registered, fingerprints, adress, Job, banking account..they want to own us..Hell on earth ANSWER: Yes. As of Tuesday, February 21st, the registration requirement that they said were only to be applied to Yvelines and Brittany, it will be extended to all of France by […]

Knee Jerk – Reaction – Temp Events

February 25, 2017

QUESTION: Hello, could you explain the differences between “Knee Jerk v Spike v Temp v Reaction Events” ? They are all Timing indications I guess? regards. ANSWER: When the computer is classifying something as a Knee Jerk high or low, it means it is a one-time-unit event. A Reaction High or Low has not penetrated the […]

Is it Safe to Store Gold in a Safe Deposit Box?

February 25, 2017

QUESTION:  Martin, Love your blog, especially your historical perspective. You recently responded to a viewer that we should take precious metals out of safety deposit boxes. Is there a reason for this? To my understanding the bail-in rules for banks in N.america put deposits and bonds at risk only? Thanks. ANSWER:  The contents of a […]

Market Talk- February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017

Another lacklustre session for Asian equity markets as we approach both the end of week closely followed by the end of the month. The Nikkei and Hang Seng both lost around 0.6% on the day with a small gain registered for Shanghai, but the big talking point remains the bond market and specifically the west. […]

Le Pen soars in French Polls to Top

February 24, 2017

Marine Le Pen has refused to wear a headscarf at a meeting with a Grand Mufti in Lebanon.  The incident is likely to be well received by their electorate in France. Ms Le Pen in the first round of voting in France’s Presidential elections in April, is expected to top the polls. When she was offered […]

EU Bailout of Portugal Has Failed

February 24, 2017

  This year, 2017, is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. While Greece is popping up on the financial radar, the Euro rescue in Portugal has also completely failed to reverse the trend of the country. There has been no effective relief from the debt crisis in Southern Europe. The debt in Portugal is also […]

Project Veritas has 200 Hours of CNN Audio leaks

February 24, 2017

Project Veritas has 200 hours of audio recordings from inside CNN and they have asked for help in transcribing everything. CNN is already trashing James O’Keefe reporting he has a questionable background. The tactic CNN has adopted is to kill the messenger since they cannot dispute the leaks the same as the Democrats who blame Russia’s hack […]

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