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The Euro Crisis & The Previous Debt

March 29, 2017

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I understand and agree to what you are saying in your post however I cannot understand what you mean when you say that: “Secondly, leaving all individual member states with past debt yet converted that to euro, then resulted in their debts doubling in international value as the euro doubled going into 2008.” […]

The Euro Crisis & Previous Debt

March 29, 2017

  QUESTION: Hello Martin, I understand and agree to what you are saying in your post however I cannot understand what you mean when you say that: “Secondly, leaving all individual member states with past debt yet converted that to euro, then resulted in their debts doubling in international value as the euro doubled going into […]

Nation Building Gone Wrong

March 29, 2017

Economic events have the most interesting way of exposing economic theories and orthodoxies and how seriously flawed they truly are these days. The fixed-exchange rate system and the Gold Standard imposed by Bretton Woods collapsed simply because they never fixed the supply of dollars, yet gold and other currencies were fixed to dollars. Only an […]

Scotland Wants a Second Referendum to Exit UK

March 29, 2017

The Scottish government wants a second referendum on independence from the UK. The Parliament in Edinburgh will decide as soon as next week, as the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. The referendum could take place between autumn 2018 and spring 2019. Of course, this would really be a brain-dead action if Scotland believes it should remain […]

Socrates Site is being Moved & Under Maintenance

March 28, 2017

  We are preparing to relaunch Socrates. We are moving the site between servers. This is step one in a major project to set up three servers around the world which will each update in local time. We are also integrating international payments systems worldwide. We hop[e to have the site back up and functional ASAP.

Market Talk- March 28, 2017

March 28, 2017

An impressive performance on Monday for US core indices as they recovered into the close that lead to a bounce for Asia and the return of Yen weakness. With healthy gains being made from Financials and Basic Resources the Nikkei made an impressive 1.1% clawing back much of Mondays losses. With the rally so came […]

Protests from USA to Russia

March 28, 2017

Civil Unrest is rising around the world. In the USA, demonstrations have been organized to support Donald Trump in a counter-demonstration move against the Obama/Soros uprising. In Los Angeles, Trump supporters were confronted by opponents of Trump and the two groups ended in violence. The Obama/Soros supporters were partially traditionally masked. The Trump supporters were trying […]

ECB under Pressure to Reverse Direction

March 28, 2017

The European Central Bank (ECB) is coming under fresh pressure to increase interest rates, not merely from the standpoint that the Federal Reserve has been doing since the turn in our Economic Confidence Model 2015.75, when the first-rate hike took place in December 2015. While there was little immediate reaction to the Fed’s decision to […]

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