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European North v South

March 24, 2017

Dijsselbloem’s comments regarding the Southern Europe reflect the political bias – not the general public at large within Europe. There are different cultures throughout Europe. In some places people will not cross the street until a light changes even if there are no cars. Other parts are like New York, lights are optional. There are […]

The Dollar – Media – Interest Rates – Politics

March 24, 2017

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, A couple of questions please.  When the Feds raised the rates last week why did the dollar mover lower?  Also, with the trend change coming in May should we be out of the market?  If so how long? Thank you S ANSWER: The Fed raised rates as expected, but that same day […]

Jeroen Dijsselbloem insults Half of Europe

March 24, 2017

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Eurogroup President, has launched a storm of indignation as he insults half of Europe, illustrating the clash between the North and South. Dijsselbloem said of Southern Europe: “I can not spend all my money on liquor and women and then ask for your support.” This is how far politicians are disconnected from reality. Dijsselbloem will not […]

Market Update for the Close of March 24th, 2017

March 24, 2017

  Today a closing above 20775 will signal that the Dow Jones Industrials is still holding firm. We see this period into May as consolidation.  We have technical support at 20147 level and technical closing support at 20702. ONLY a weekly closing below 20000 would confirm a more sustainable correction into May. Otherwise, expect choppiness. […]

Market Talk- March 23rd, 2017

March 23, 2017

  After an early dip, Asia moved back to close with gains across the board. The Nikkei played with the 19k level for most of the day but eventually closed +0.25% firmer. The safe-haven bid continued into the European session with JPY trading back to the mid 110’s but will be interesting to see where […]

I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!

March 23, 2017

COMMENT: Sir,       Growing up in Kentucky, I remember one of my friend’s fathers always grumbling, “I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!”       Just another phrase for a “sharing economy”.        Keep up the good work        DK

John McCain Recorded Propaganda Message Made for the Enemy

March 23, 2017

John McCain was born in Panama, not the United States. There was the same question with Obama – was McCain really qualified to run for President if he was not born in the United States. He confirms his birthplace on this propaganda message he made for his captures. They criticized Trump for saying he does […]

The Rise of Populism – Here to Stay

March 23, 2017

QUESTION: With the Netherlands voting against Wilders, do you think the tide is turning? Will Europe survive? ANSWER: It may have been a huge sigh of relief for the global socialists/progressives with the loss of Geert Wilders on March 15th, but there is a clear undertone of rising discontent within Europe. Likewise, the AfD in Germany […]

Marxist Socialism now relabeled as the Sharing Economy

March 23, 2017

In Canada, I was in a discussion with a socialist politician. I was shocked at the response to their view of the economy that everything you earned belonged to the state and they decided how much you were allowed to keep. This same attitude is displayed by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). They have cleaned […]

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