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Market Talk September 8th, 2016

September 8, 2016

Secondary economic data in Japan coupled with slight dovish comments BOJ comments and the Nikkei started to drift lower. At worse the index was down around 1% but a lack of follow through volume saw a reasonable bounce into the close. Eventually, the Nikkei closed down 0.3% which, around mid afternoon looked very unlikely. The […]

Lincoln v Rothschilds

September 8, 2016

QUESTION:  I hope you are well and enjoying your summer holidays.   When will be available the Trader Level service?. Is it true that Abraham Lincoln refused to finance the Union Army, with a loan with an excessive interest, from the Rothschild Banking House?.   I look forward to hearing from you as soon as […]

The Preparation for Seizing Private Pensions

September 8, 2016

The pension crisis is going to be the HUGE issue in 2017. Obama is supporting about a 20% reduction in military retirement benefits. This is how such things are done. It is the way lame-duck Presidents leave office doing the nasty things nobody will admit who has to stand for election. So those on their […]

Can Illinois go Bankrupt or just Default?

September 8, 2016

There is a problem that Illinois faces. There is no actual right for a state to go bankrupt. That does not mean that no state has simply defaulted and never paid. A state hasn’t defaulted since Arkansas in 1933 during the Great Depression. However, that was also not the first state to simply not pay. […]

Socrates on Gold

September 8, 2016

We did not elect the Weekly Bearish last Friday. This has level the week of August 29th as the low, which was the target turning point on the array at that time. Socrates Wrote: AS OF THE CLOSE OF Tue. Sep. 6, 2016: We should see a trend change come September in NY Gold Nearest […]

Market Talk – September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016

The Nikkei and Shanghai both took very different directions to reach virtually the same conclusion in todays trading. The Nikkei started in negative territory (almost 2% lower) then spent the day clambering back to what seemed like but unchanged but happened to be -0.45%. However, what many appeared to be happy about was the fact […]

Britain to End Freedom on Movement with EU Citizens

September 7, 2016

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain has made it clear that Britain will not accept retaining the EU free movement of EU citizens after the exit. Even traveling from Brussels to London, before BREXIT, they did not recognize Schengen Agreement for free travel. People fron Eastern Europe with a Shengen visa did not have access to […]

WHY 2017 is The Threshold to Chaos

September 7, 2016

I have been warning that 2017 was the Year of Political Hell with four major referendums/elections that would undermine the confidence in government – BREXIT, US Presidential Elections, French Elections, and Germany Elections. These four events hold the potential to overturn the expectations of the future. Whatever the general public felt about government would flip. The […]

Le Pen vows to hold French referendum on Leaving EU – FREXIT

September 7, 2016

Hollande is running only around a 10% approval rating. Merkel’s CDU came in third place in her home state. Things are a moving and shaking as they say in Europe. Indeed, get ready for 2017 will be the tipping point in markets as a whole. The refugee crisis has indeed changed the face of Europe […]

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