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BREXIT is Only “Advisory” & Cameron Can Still Ignore the People

June 23, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; If BREXIT wins here since everyone I speak to seems to want to vote out rather than stay in, what would really happen? ANSWER: Assuming the politicians actually honor the vote, which is a very big IF, you are looking at, at least a two-year process. But it is important to understand […]

Market Talk — June 22, 2016

June 22, 2016

A mixed session in Asia as the Nikkei could not escape negative territory, whilst Shanghai and the Hang Seng both provided positive returns. The Nikkei lost 0.65% while Shanghai and HSI gained 0.95% and 0.6% respectively. The JPY flirted with a 105 handle but was rejected and that rejection has gathered pace as European equities […]

Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

June 22, 2016

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place tomorrow in Paris. So a socialist government did what has never taking place since 1962, during the Algerian War. It is very significant because it’s a left leaning government that […]

BREXIT – Unexpected Consequences

June 22, 2016

The BREXIT vote is the result of a promise by British Prime Minister David Cameron made back in 2013 when he was besieged by the increasingly assertive anti-European Union wing of his own Conservative Party. To placate the rebellion brewing against the loss of sovereignty to Brussels, Cameron made a promise that he intended only […]

China’s Reserves & the Flight of Money

June 22, 2016

All we have been hearing are claims that if China sends the dollar flooding back to America, the dollar will become worthless and hundreds of businesses will go broke overnight. The gold promoters put out such wild claims and have no idea what they are saying or the type of world that would unfold. It is […]

Constructing a Future

June 22, 2016

Our models have been targeting 2018 for the last 30 years as the first potential year for a monetary crisis and reform. There was a shot that we could have doubled the Dow and everything would have bottomed on the first potential, such as gold in 2013 to 2014, and then turn up into that […]

The Clinton White House – 2.0

June 22, 2016

While the devastating book is now out entitled Crisis of Character, it effectively divides Hillary as creating all the financial scandals questioning her honesty and Bill with the sex scandals as his White House felt like a ‘brothel’, according to former Secret Service agent Gary J. Byrne. The die-hard Clinton supporters would never look at facts. But […]

Market Talk — June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016

The majority of the volatility within Asia appears to be concentrated within the Nikkei and the JPY. The Nikkei opened around 1% lower as the currency gapped to the 103 handle, but by the afternoon session it recovered as JPY retraced. Shanghai really could not provide any guidance as that market continues to drift lower. […]

Progress Report on the Trader Version

June 21, 2016

Here is a mock-up of the Trader version we will release to attendees of 2015 and 2016 WEC for a 30-day trial. The final round of reports for the 2015 WEC attendees will be sent out shortly. We plan to release a report on asset allocation and a report on the pension crisis. Our reports […]

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