Interview: It’s Too Late, We Just Have to Crash and Burn
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QUESTION: You mentioned your two dogs and how they know hundreds of words but have different personalities. I believe you said they have the same emotions of love, fear, and hate as humans. Do you think that animals have the same emotional capacity as humans? Are their minds functioning the same as ours in your quest to create AI? Yet you say AI can never achieve that same emotional aspect of life.
ANSWER: Absolutely. Here is a video of animals who bond with humans, from lions to rhinos and elephants. There is something that we possess, not only most mammal animals. I do not believe this can ever be created with code. I can mimic an emotional response. You curse at the computer, and it can curse back. But there is no deep “feeling” that emerges. I can even create codes that given the computer vision so it can recognize you from someone else. But again, there is no emotional bond. That is the stuff of movies.
Open Secrets: Pharmaceuticals _ Health Products Recipients • OpenSecrets
Ronald Lee Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, dares to call RFK a fraud when, in fact, according to Open Secrets, he took $1,207,873 from the Pharmaceutical Industry and will vote against RFK, Jr. because I do not believe that Wyden is representing the people of Oregon, but Big Pharma. There is no question that people have died from the COVID-19 Vaccines—countless stories on the side effects of blood clots. My lawyer suffered from that and can no longer fly. I have one fellow who works for me, and his family cannot get any vaccine. They have a severe reaction to even a flu shot. The simple fact is that we are all NOT the same. Some had no problems, and for others, it was a nightmare. The state should by no means MANDATE any health procedure. They argue that a woman’s body is their own, so abortion is her right, but it ends there. Our bodies are not our own when it comes to vaccines since Big Pharma pays our politicians well to have no liability and mandatory compliance. Wyden changes his position, it seems, based on the money flow.
Watching the actions of Ronald Lee Wyden was revolting. This is a conflict of interest, and he should NOT be on any such committee if not in prison for the appearance of selling his vote to the highest bidder. Like Trump’s family issuing crypto, sorry, it is a conflict of interest as Hunter Biden was banking on his dad’s position. This is just sleazy. Trump should have shut down his family just as the Senate should bar anyone taking money from Big Pharma and voting on anything that impacted the people funding them. Wyden has been in office since he was 31 years old.
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Mike Campbell’s World Outlook Financial Conference
February 7 & 8
The Westin Bayshore Vancouver Hotel
1601 Bayshore Drive, Vancouver BC
For more information or to purchase a ticket, CLICK HERE.
“What we’re experiencing is a global anti-establishment trend, and it’s important to understand that it is driving capital – it’s moving money. Weak currencies to strong ones, cash into tangible assets, government bonds into stocks, international investors into ‘safe’ havens – and it affects your personal finances. We’re living in an era of historic change, including to the monetary system.”
~Michael Campbell
Mike Campbell, one of Canada’s most respected business analysts and host of Canada’s top-rated syndicated business show “Money Talks,” is hosting his annual World Outlook Financial Conference (WOFC) next weekend. Mike is also a long-time friend of Martin Armstrong and a WEC contributor, as past guests will recognize him from our Q&A sessions.
The World Outlook Financial Conference (WOFC) is a content-rich event featuring guest speakers covering topics affecting Canadians and the global markets. Martin Armstrong will be a keynote speaker at this event, attending virtually.
We encourage you to attend virtually as well if you cannot make the trip to Vancouver. Mike’s team records the entire event and streams it online. The multi-camera shoot is edited for the best sound and picture quality and is available for viewing 48 hours post-event. It is archived for 6 months online, so viewers can watch and review it multiple times in the comfort of their own home or office.
The full agenda and event details are available on his website.
Click here to watch past highlights from last year’s event.
Two major unions representing U.S. government employees have filed a lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s effort to reclassify up to 50,000 federal workers and make it easier to fire them. The American Federation of Government Employees and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees said Trump’s executive order improperly attempted to block a Biden administration rule shielding federal workers from being stripped of job protections to prevent Trump from draining the SWAMP or daring to reduce the size of government.
This is the famous cartoon on the Spoils System in politics by Thomas Nast with a statue of Andrew Jackson on a pig, which is over “fraud”, “bribery”, and “spoils”, eating “plunder”. This appeared in Harper’s Weekly on April 28, 1877, p. 325. The Spoils System has been a practice in politics whereby after winning an election, the victor gives government jobs to their supporters, friends /cronies, and relatives/nepotism as a reward for helping in their victory. As the saying that emerged with Jackson as he sought to drain the SWAMP of the establishment of the old Federalists entrenched in the North, “to the victor belong the spoils.”
Many viewed the spoils system as introduced by President Andrew Jackson after winning the 1828 election. However, like Trump, the 1828 election followed a rigged election in 1824, and Jackson’s inauguration was seen as a significant coup in Washington. It was Jackson who shut down the Bank of the United States because he viewed it as controlled by the Federalists. That ended up leading to the Panic of 1837 and the Depression known then as the Hard Times and state sovereign defaults of the 1840s.
When Jackson won the 1828 election because of the shenanigans in 1824, his 1829 inauguration became a wild spectacle. The people also voted for Jackson to drain the SWAMP as he became their champion against the Deep State. Washington, D.C., residents were ill-prepared for the wild scene when Jackson’s supporters poured into the city like the January 6th protesters. Some commentators referred to it as an enormous mass of people to an invading barbarian horde pillaging Rome. This regional bias eventually manifested in the Civil War by 1860, which was 31.4 years later.
Massachusetts senator Daniel Webster commented: “I never saw anything like it before,” he wrote to a relative. “Persons have come 500 miles to see Genl Jackson; & they really seem to think that the Country is rescued from some dreadful danger.” Of course, Webster was very much part of the regional conflict.
It is not hard to see why Jackson was blamed for inventing the Spoil System of cronies. In truth, the corruption involved in the Spoils System actually began during its Colonial history for it was introduced into U.S. politics during the very first administration of George Washington. He was a Federalist and stuffed the government with people who agreed, which was really against the Constitution, ignoring State’s Rights.
On August 3rd, almost 13,000 air traffic controllers went on strike after negotiations with the federal government to raise their pay and shorten their workweek became excessive. Across the country, some 7,000 flights were canceled. That very day, President Reagan called the strike illegal and threatened to fire any controller who had not returned to work within 48 hours. Robert Poli, president of the Professional Air-Traffic Controllers Association (PATCO), was found in contempt by a federal judge and ordered to pay $1,000 a day in fines.
Then, on August 5th, 1981, President Reagan carried out his threat and fired 11,359 air traffic controllers who were in violation of his order for them to return to work. The executive action, regarded as extreme, set the boundaries of the president. In addition, President Reagan declared a lifetime ban on the rehiring of the strikers by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). On August 17th, 1981, the FAA began accepting applications for new air traffic controllers, and on October 22nd, 1981, the Federal Labor Relations Authority decertified PATCO.
Given the filing of these lawsuits against Trump and the outcome of the Regan firing of air traffic controllers, the danger here with the unions is that this may be what Trump really wanted. A court ruling in his favor will allow the president to fire executive employees and reduce the size of the workforce just as any CEO of a private company. They can clearly establish precedents to expand presidential power to control the federal government. This would be a major victory for Trump.
Romania’s Calin Georgescu has made headlines once more for calling Ukraine a “fictitious state” and suggesting that the nation will inevitably be divided. This man would have been president of Romania if the establishment accepted the results of the first election. Although he remains the most popular candidate, these statements and views are precisely why those behind the curtain will never permit him to hold power.
“One hundred percent. This will happen one hundred percent. There is no other way. This path is inevitable. Ukraine is an invented state. The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It is an artificial state; there are no reference points,” Georgescu said in a recent interview. “The world is changing, and borders will change. We have Northern Bukovina, Budzhak (the southwestern part of the Odesa region), Northern Maramureș from former Transcarpathia, what remains with the Hungarians, Lviv, which will stay with the Poles, and Little Russia,” he added.
He also suggested that part of Ukraine will be absorbed by Romania. Honoring the Minsk Agreement could have prevented such a divide. Russia wanted specific regions that have always been historically Russian. The Minsk Agreement would have allowed the people, not the governments, to vote on whether they wanted to join Russia or remain in Ukraine.
Ukraine did not gain full independence until August 24, 1991, when the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic broke away from the fallen USSR. A referendum in December of that year resulted in a vote of 90.3% in favor of independence. That same December marked the final collapse of the Soviet Union when the communist coup against Gorbachev failed. Ethnic groups demanded sovereignty, with the Baltic States like Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia all calling for independence around this time. The Belovezha Accords were signed on December 8, 1991, creating the Commonwealth of Independent States, or 15 independent states, ending the 70-year reign of the USSR on December 26, 1991.
Gorbachev handed power over to Yeltsin, who became the President of the Russian Republic, later named the Russian Federation. Russia became the primary state after the USSR dissolved, but Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan all became independent nations around this time. Some nations adopted democracy while others, like Belarus, fell into authoritarianism. We also saw the breakup of Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1992, forming new nations based on ethic lines. Economic disparities between wealthier nations in both the USSR and Yugoslavia led to their downfall as resentment turned into civil unrest, which ultimately led to revolution.
While this is certainly an oversimplified explanation, the fact of the matter is that civilization ALWAYS collapses. Maps are drawn and redrawn, with new boundaries and territories marking short or long-lived new nations. The Russia-Ukraine war has expanded into a full global crisis, fueling inflation internationally and contributing to the coming global recession. Every major economic powerhouse is now involved in this war. NATO has successfully used Ukraine to provoke Russia. We are already witnessing economic disparity among European Union nations, who have been hit hardest by sanctions.
We are confronted by the end of the Sixth Wave in 2032, which will be a profound economic and political change. Historically, there comes a time for a paradigm shift. That is when we should see at least 40% of the people who then support change. As we move closer and closer to 2032, we will see this shift post-2024. We should begin to witness this paradigm shift toward anti-government form by 2026. It will most likely explode in 2029. This is all necessary, for the people must come voluntarily. It will be 2032 when we witness perhaps as much as 60%-75% of the people demanding the end of Republic forms of government.