US Treasury Secretary Says China Will “Eat any Tariffs”

March 4, 2025


The primary policy implemented under the Trump Administration that I believe has the potential to destroy the US economy is tariffs. The very people who are supposed to advise Trump do not comprehend the global nature of the economy and the repercussions of tariffs. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent recently came out to say that China will simply “eat any tariffs that go on.”

“Well, we don’t know yet because it’s path-dependent, but what I can tell you is that I’m not worried about China,” Bessent said. “China will pay for the tariffs because their business model is exporting their way out of this inflation.” Our own Treasury Secretary does not understand that tariffs are inflationary.

Trump’s tariffs on China were meant to correct the so-called trade imbalance. Yet, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, tariffs do not address the core issue—capital flows. America’s trade deficit is driven by capital inflows, not trade policy. Foreign nations invest in US assets, which results in a capital account surplus. By imposing tariffs, the US government added to inflation, raised costs for American businesses, and forced manufacturers to seek alternative supply chains in Vietnam and Mexico rather than returning to the US.

Economic power shifts not through tariffs but through capital investment and confidence. China simply will redirect its exports elsewhere, while American consumers pay higher prices. We saw this happen during the first US-China trade war when Trump first entered the White House.

China is prepared to take retaliatory measures against the US. “If the U.S. insists on its own way, China will take all necessary countermeasures to defend its legitimate rights and interests,” a Ministry of Commerce spokesperson told CNBC. America has already lost China as its top trading partner, but what’s worse is that American politicians on both sides have caused the Chinese to stop purchasing US debt.

Trump is keen to see capital flowing back to the United States and must realize that these tariffs will have the precise opposite effect. I am less concerned about his tariffs on China than about his proposed tariffs on Europe. The tariff on China is more about the cost of production since “Made in China” means it was made cheaper with cheap labor and domestic (Chinese) parts.

China US Trade War

The Epstein Files

March 4, 2025

Epstein Ornament

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found your initial comment that Epstein was not a pedophile offensive. Then, with time and saying there were over 200 girls, you pointed out these were all high-profile people interesting. Then your last comment that the real question nobody asks is who did he work for? Is this why there seems to be holding back the files?


Epsteins Island

ANSWER: I believe they have stepped into a pile of shit, as they say, and it stinks so bad, they can’t get it off their shoes. I believe the spin of this is seriously wrong. Epstein was working for someone, and the people who flew with him to his island were his marks or real victims. In other words, the object was to get evidence on them to blackmail them into doing whatever.

Look, the legal age is 16 in England, not 18. They are free from parental control, can leave home, can start a family, can get married, can start work, can pay taxes, and can join the military forces.

Epsteing Andrew

Now, look at this map. Epstein has an island in the US Virgin Islands. If he were really concerned about obeying the law, he would have bought an island in the British Virgin Islands. JUST CROSS THAT BORDER and everything would have been legal. If it was legal, then what was the point. I doubt that most middle-aged men could tell the difference if a girl was 17 or 18 by just looking at them.

This was a professional honey trap. I doubt this was just for fun, and I doubt that this was to blackmail people for Epstein’s personal benefit. This had to be an operation for someone else and he was paid to get people into compromising positions to do certain things.

Hoover J. Edgar

Anna_Chapman_mug_shotJ. Edgar Hoover was probably the most powerful non-elected person in modern American history. The Deep State seems to be attempting to rival his power. He was the FBI director from 1924 through his death in 1972, and he used the tools of his agency to create a power base that was unrivaled in American history. Perhaps he was James Comey’s mentor.

Speaking with members of Congress over the years and staff, they would recount how Hoover would use blackmail and intimidation against members of Congress. He would go to their office and say I just wanted to let you know that this came up about something you had done. He would say if the FBI discovered this fact, perhaps your opponent might. They would have to thank him and then they were on his short leash.

Anna Chapman was a Russian Spy caught in New York City. She was swapped for American spies in 2010 and made headlines in New York. She was stunningly beautiful as well as stunningly successful. Well, if you are going to betray secrets, this is far better than the rubber hose treatment. She became known as Vladimir Putin’s weapon of mass distraction.

Honey Traps were very common during the Cold War. The KGB would send stunningly beautiful Russian women to entangle men in strategic positions. This is a very old trick to get information. In my opinion, this was the real goal of Epstein—to get people in compromising positions so his real benefactors could have leverage. Who was his real boss? Some say Israel.

The Largest Protest in Modern Greek History

March 4, 2025


Revolutions happen when the people band together against a corrupt government and demand change. Greece came to an utter standstill over the weekend after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to demand answers on the second anniversary of the nation’s deadliest rail disaster. It is hard to imagine the sheer magnitude of these protests, which are believed to be the largest in modern Greek history.

All flights were suspended. Transportation services were unavailable. Public services came to an abrupt halt as everyone took to the streets. Political affiliation, race, gender, sex, religion, and every other category that governments use to divide the people were forgotten for a brief moment in Greek history as everyone banded together against the government. This is precisely what governments fear—the people acknowledging that the government rather than their neighbor is the problem.

For context, the tragic accident happened on February 28, 2023, after a passenger train struck a freight train head-on near Thessaloniki, claiming the lives of 57 people. No one has been prosecuted, and the people of Greece strongly believe that the government worked to cover up the true causes of the crash. Two years of near silence from the government caused tensions to boil until civil unrest became inevitable.

The Greek people are demanding transparency and accountability from their government NOW. Some believe that the train may have been carrying illegal flammable cargo, and 30 of the 57 victims, mostly young students, may have survived the initial crash only to burn alive in the fire that erupted shortly after. Not only should the railway officials be held accountable, but the political figures who have hindered any real investigation must answer to the people.

“We don’t forget, we don’t forgive,” one sign read, according to Reuters. “Justice, not forgetting,” another read. Protestors in Athens wrote the names of the victims in red on the streets. Another sign read, “Privatizations kill,” and many people chanted, “I HAVE NO OXYGEN!” to honor one victim’s final phone call to emergency services before being consumed by the fires.


Protests were also held at over 100 Greek embassies and consulates internationally. A map of protests across six continents was published on Google for all to see. Some believe over 430,000 people took to the streets of Athens alone. The entire nation came to a halt as everyone joined forces to demand answers from their government. And guess what? The government was forced to answer to the people. As a reminder, elected officials are supposed to SERVE THE PEOPLE who they elected to represent them rather than their own self interests, but we rarely see that occur.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis initially blamed human error for the crash and almost dismissed the events, citing that the justice system would properly handle the matter in time. His tune has since changed. He is acknowledging that his administration has been in the wrong. “The citizens demanded the obvious: truth and justice for the victims, a state that takes action to ensure such a tragedy is never repeated, and safe and modern public transport,” the prime minister stated, later adding, “Greece cannot operate with half-measures and improvisation. With a system that reacts only after the worst has happened, that waits for crises to mobilize. The State has a duty to anticipate, not to run behind developments. A collective responsibility, but above all my own.”

This brilliant historical call for justice shows the strength of the people as a collective. There is a reason this is not a top news story worldwide. If the people were not divided, they would realize that governments are pinning us against one another for a reason. They attempt to shield us from the truth, silence us from speaking, and slowly repeal our freedoms to gain power. But power is bound to transfer, and governments can only tighten their grip on it for so long until it is forced out of their hands. Using every tool at their disposal, governments everywhere aggressively divide the people to maintain their power, as they know the people can and will overpower them when united. This is precisely how REAL change and revolutions happen.

The Truth Behind Romania

March 4, 2025


QUESTION: I read your post on Romania. Why have the EU and US interfered in the Romanian election? Is it just because they would be anti-EU? But then why was the US involved? What am I missing?


NATO Air Base

ANSWER: It’s all about Russia, Russia, Russia. They needed to nullify the election in Romania because they were building the largest NATO airbase in Europe. They intend to attack Russia and take back Crimea and the entire region. They want to take all the warm water ports, shut down Russia, and drive it into bankruptcy.



Everything they do is to create World War III. They are no different than Zelensky, who is not interested in peace. He is a NeoNazi who pretended to be Christian, just like George Soros, and only said he was Jewish after he became President so nobody would look at his background, making jokes about confiscating assets from Jews and Russians.



Robert MacNamara was the Neocon who took us into Vietnam. He said they thought Russia was involved. He apologized and said it was just a civil war. It has been nothing by Russia, Russia, Russia for decades. They did not care that communism collapsed, and the Russian people did not want to conquer Europe. NATO has no purpose if there is peace with Russia. They need to promote war constantly, and they instruct the leaders not to dare speak with Putin. That ensures there will never be peace.

Thus, Romania is a strategic pawn in this chess game with Russia. They do not care about the Romanian people whatsoever. How dare they select someone who wants to take Romania out of NATO and the EU!

Romania_Bet Y Arrsay 3 1 23

Here is the forecast from 2022 for the Romanian share market. Note that the turning point was 2025. I feel very bad for the Romanian people. The EU looks at you as irrelevant in their quest to take Russia’s $75 trillion worth of natural resources, which is twice the US National Debt. Then Europe will rise to reestablish what was the old Roman Empire, and the upstart USA will be reduced to a subservient position.


March 4, 2025

Poland ECM 1989 2041

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I just write to you because you are the only source for reliable news and forecasting here in Poland and Estonia. Your computer forecast our election and the markets incredibly. I understand why people try to slander you. It is always kill the messenger because they cannot argue with the message. I was concerned that you said 2025 was 86 years from Hitler invading Poland. Do you have any updates? I fear for Poland’s future.


2023 10 26 Poland_s_new_parliament_to_convene_on_November_13_president_English_Section_
ANSWER: Yes, President Duda called for a new Polish parliament to convene after the October 15th elections, one to be led by former (unelected) EU President Donald Tusk.

Poland Germany 3 28 1939

The tensions with similar rhetoric preceded Hitler’s invasion of September 1st, 1939, for several months. That began in January/February 1939, and curiously, it was about 8.6 months later when the invasion took place. The rhetoric is now equally hateful. This is not going to look good. Tusk wants war with Russia.


This year is 86 years from the 1939 invasion of Poland. The target year 2025 was also showing up to the start of civil unrest in Romania. This is an important year overall for the Eastern European nations in general.

WarsawPoland_Stock_Index Q 3 3 25

The Warsaw Share Index has an important Double Directional Change for the 2nd quarter here this year. With Trump suspending money to Ukraine, we must ask, will Europe pick up the tab? If not, will the Ukrainian politicians demand Zelensky resign and flee the country while he still can? Maybe Britain will give him political asylum. The key target is the 4th quarter 2025.



Trump Pauses all Funds to Ukraine – About Time!

March 4, 2025


I have been stating all along all of my sources say the same thing. Zelensky is just a puppet of the Neocons. He takes his orders from them and they do not want peace. They have invested so much into this war to conquer Russia that they are not about to walk away.

I said I knew that Zelensky insisted upon meeting at the White House 5 days before. My sources told me the plan was to try to embarrass Trump, for they had all the media on their side and all the European leaders. Zelensky was all pumped up and thought he could turn the table on Trump and keep the money flowing.

Zelenskyy Johnson

Part of the reason I was told 2 days in advance was because they always send Boris Johnson to give Zelensky orders. He killed the peace deal that was on the table back then and that even made the front pages of the Ukrainian Press.

Boris Johnson Unkaine 2 25 25

They also send in Boris to give the commands to Zelensky because he is not in office right now. I was told that he urgently flew to Ukraine to kill the signing of the mineral deal and to tell Zelensky to fly to Washington and insist on a meeting at the White House. I believe the first vote by the Ukrainian MPs was not unanimous for Zelensky, and Boris instructed them to suddenly claim Zelensky was voted in. Their constitution does not allow for extensions, and the claim that Martial Law overrides the constitution calls into question whether Zelensky can even represent Ukraine legally.

When Boris urgently flew to Ukraine and did his Good Morning Britain interview, he did it from Ukraine—not London. This was a setup that backfired. Trump has seen through this facade and now knows that Europe has been conspiring against him. Trump has now come out and cut off all aid to Ukraine and lets see the Europeans put their money where their mouths are behind the curtain, pulling the strings.

“The President has been clear that he is focused on peace. We need our partners to be committed to that goal as well. We are pausing and reviewing our aid to ensure that it is contributing to a solution.”

A White House official said.


Tusk we Don’t Need USA

March 4, 2025


QUESTION: You said Europe thinks it no longer needs the United States to defend it. Do you have any leaders saying that publicly?


ANSWER: Polish PM Donald Tusk made a speech before he took his flight to London for the European Ukraine summit that was planned well in advance. He said:

“500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians. I want to repeat these words. If you know how to count, count on yourself, start relying on yourself. Not in isolation, but with full awareness of your own potential. Europe, if there is something we lack today, it is not economic or demographic power, but the belief that we are truly a global force.”


Market Talk – March 3, 2025

March 3, 2025

Market Talk 2017

The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:
• NIKKEI 225 increased 629.97 points or 1.70% to 37,785.47
• Shanghai decreased 3.97 points or -0.12% to 3,316.93
• Hang Seng increased 64.95 points or 0.28% to 23,006.27
• ASX 200 increased 73.30 points or 0.90% to 8,245.70
• SENSEX decreased 112.16 points or -0.15% to 73,085.94
• Nifty50 decreased 5.40 points or -0.02% to 22,119.30
The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:
• AUDUSD increased 0.00455 or 0.73% to 0.62485
• NZDUSD increased 0.00345 or 0.62% to 0.56345
• USDJPY decreased 0.327 or -0.22% to 150.248
• USDCNY increased 0.00221 or 0.03% to 7.29621
The above data was collected around 12:37 EST.
Precious Metals:
•  Gold increased 33.81 USD/t oz. or 1.18% to 2,890.72
•  Silver increased 0.677 USD/t. oz. or 2.17% to 31.808
The above data was collected around 12:40 EST.
The major Europe stock markets had a green day today:
•  CAC 40 increased 88.08 points or 1.09% to 8,199.71
•  FTSE 100 increased 61.57 points or 0.70% to 8,871.31
•  DAX 30 increased 595.59 points or 2.64% to 23.147.02
The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today:
• EURUSD increased 0.01123 or 1.08% to 1.04898
• GBPUSD increased 0.01368 or 1.09% to 1.27143
• USDCHF decreased 0.00605 or -0.67% to 0.89700
The above data was collected around 12:46 EST.


US Market Closings:

  • Dow declined 649.67 points or -1.48% to 43,191.24
  • S&P 500 declined 104.78 points or 1.76% to 5,849.72
  • Nasdaq declined 497.09 points or -2.64% to 18,350.19
  • Russell 2000 declined 60.83 points or -2.81% to 2,102.24


Canada Market Closings:

  • TSX Composite declined 391.88 points or -1.54% to 25,001.57
  • TSX 60 declined 22.04 points or -1.44% to 1,510.14


Brazil Market Closing:

  • Bovespa declined 1,999.87 points or -1.6% to 122,799.09



The oil markets had a mixed day today:
•  Crude Oil decreased 0.182 USD/BBL or -0.26% to 69.578
•  Brent decreased 0.054 USD/BBL or -0.07% to 72.756
•  Natural gas increased 0.2458 USD/MMBtu or 6.41% to 4.0798
•  Gasoline decreased 0.0207 USD/GAL or -0.93% to 2.2154
•  Heating oil decreased 0.0304 USD/GAL or -1.31% to 2.2926
The above data was collected around 12:49 EST.
•  Top commodity gainers: Natural Gas (6.41%), Platinum (3.76%), Palladium (5.38%) and Coffee (2.77%)
•  Top commodity losers: Potatoes (-4.55%), Oat (-2.95%), Corn (-2.71%) and Cocoa (-10.36%)
The above data was collected around 12:56 EST.
Japan 1.4100% (+3.42bp), US 2’s 4.00% (-0.004%), US 10’s 4.1890% (-3.1bps); US 30’s 4.47% (-0.041%), Bunds 2.4860% (+9.95bp), France 3.216% (+7.6bp), Italy 3.5420% (+6.85bp), Turkey 25.75% (-22bp), Greece 3.307% (+6.7bp), Portugal 2.992% (+7.45bp); Spain 3.154% (+6.8bp) and UK Gilts 4.5120% (+2.71bp)
The above data was collected around 13:00 EST.

Romanian Uprising thanks to EU & US Interference in Their Election

March 3, 2025


The Romanians, I suppose, must all be far-right, but that is the current mood, and the interference in their election has only increased the anti-corrupt government sentiments. The high court is lucky they are not dragged out in their robes and set on fire as the Chinese did once under similar circumstances. Some Romanians have even expressed regret for joining the EU.

Romania Protest Feb 2017

2012-2015 Uprising Against Corruption

Romania is by no means a passive country. The people will protest in mass when pushed – a good thing. There was a period of serious civil unrest between 2012 and 2015, which led to political reforms against pervasive corruption. That corruption is inherent in the Romanian government to a lesser degree than in Ukraine, but it is still offensive to the people who suffer from the highest poverty levels in the European Union. More than 30% of the population lives on less than $5 per day as the politicians take their bribes and stuff their pockets. Unemployment rose in the aftermath of the 2007-2010 Great Recession and that sparked the 2012-2015 uprising.

The government responded with drastic austerity measures in 2010. However, in 2013, Romania produced the highest economic growth in the EU, but the corruption  was so pervasive that the actual standard of living decreased. This was the backdrop to the major civil unrest between 2012 that prevailed into 2015.


Now with the EU manipulating the Romanian election and screwing the people again, we see a massive rally in protest that the Western press is ignoring because they, too, are paid to cheer the LEFT and look away. They are calling now for the government of Romania to resign and for the second round of the elections to resume. The people are solidly with Călin Georgescu. I have been sent this video because the media is silent because Georgescu was against Ukraine and this war with Russia that benefits nobody by the warmongers and leaves millions dead as they stuff their pockets, and the authoritarianism from Brussels.

Romania Blinken

This current uprising is cyclically right on schedule for our forecast starting in 2025, which was 13 years from the 2012 protest against the same issue of corruption, but with external political interference ce from both the EU and the United States, all because they want war with Russia. The American Neocons care nothing about the people. This has always been nothing but to fulfill their hatred of Russians.

Romanian Revolution 1989

Romanians know all too well that you can vote your way into socialism, but you must shoot your way out. They had their revolution December 16-25, 1989, but the violence continued until December 30th, 1989. This and 1848 were outright revolutions – not just protests that began in 513AD.

Romanian Leu Spot Y Combined 3 3 25

Our computer had forecast the start of this civil unrest for 2025, which will continue into 2027. That was manifested by the nullification of a free election. This has proven that the government of the EU is ruthless, and hopefully, Trump cleans the US government of all Neocons who should be sent to prison for life to protect society from their machinations.

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