NATO threatens North Korea

October 8, 2024

Kim Jung Un and Sister

North Korea has come out and denounced NATO’s condemnation of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, warning that the entity could face “tragic consequences” if it continues to pursue an anti-North Korea stance. NATO had issued a statement condemning North Korea and Iran for “fueling” Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine with their direct military support to Moscow. This hypocrisy really illustrates the arrogance of NATO and the West, where they can fund Ukraine but try to threaten those who support Russia.

North Korea denounced NATO’s statement, arguing that NATO is merely a product of U.S. hegemonic ambition.

“NATO, no more than a tool of the U.S. for war, slandered the intensified legal cooperation between independent sovereign states while distorting the essence of the Ukrainian incident,” an unnamed ministry spokesperson was quoted as saying by the Korean Central News Agency.

North Korea warned NATO that if it infringes upon the dignity, sovereignty, and security of its country, then NATO will be held wholly responsible for the tragic consequences that follow. NATO and the American Neocons prefer to threaten the world rather than to seek peace. This is a war they desire, and the population needs to wake up in Europe and America since the people have no say in this question of war.

Inmate to Receive Sex Change Surgery – You Pay the Bill

October 8, 2024

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) successfully won a case against the Indiana Department of Corrections to force taxpayers to pay for an inmate’s sex change operation. Jonathan C. Richardson is imprisoned for strangling his 11-month old stepdaughter to death in 2001. Yet, the American justice system declared that it is “inhumane” to deny him a sex change operation.

The judge ruled that denying the surgery violated the Eight Amendment as it would be a “cruel and unusual punishment.” “Specifically, Ms. Cordellioné has shown that her gender dysphoria is a serious medical need, and that, despite other treatments Defendant has provided her to treat her gender dysphoria, she requires gender-affirming surgery to prevent a risk of serious bodily and psychological harm,” the ruling states.

This same murderer filed a lawsuit last year against the prison chaplain, claiming that they converted to Islam and they were being discriminated against as they were prohibited from wearing a hijab.

Indiana law protects taxpayers from paying for sex change operations for inmates, but the ACLU is working to overturn this under the Eight Amendment. It is cruel and unusual to strangle a helpless infant. It is cruel and unusual to deny flood victims of FEMA relief by claiming the budget has run dry. Nothing can distinguish wokeness from mental illness at this stage.

The topic of sex reassignment surgeries repeatedly comes up during debates and interviews. Realize that it is not political hyperbole – you are funding these far-left initiatives.

Can Kamala Take the Presidency Without an Election?

October 8, 2024


2024 election

Let me begin with a shocking statement that people generally do not know. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; you will not find any mention of a right to vote. Surprisingly, nowhere in the original text will you find any mention that U.S. citizens have a right to vote. All the ideas of having a right to vote in our pretend Democracy stems from amendments adopted following the U.S. Civil War and legislation passed during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. So, Constitutionally, this leaves even a grey area that the Democrats are trying to drive the election through, claiming there is nothing in the Constitution regarding any right to vote whatsoever. This has led to some suggesting that as President, Biden can issue an executive order allowing all RESIDENTS the right to vote.


I received a phone call asking my opinion:

“Could the election be positioned?”



Actually, the election can be delayed/postponed but not postponed indefinitely. The ONLY hard deadline spelled out in the Constitution is the END of a president’s term and a vice president’s term on January 20th of the year following a general election. The deadline is restated in the 22nd Amendment. Keep in mind that FDR served more than two terms. That was the purpose of this Amendment.

The Constitution requires that a group of electors, commonly called the Electoral College, choose the next president without mentioning the people voting. If a majority of electors fails to agree on a winner, Congress picks the winner in continental elections held within Congress under the terms of the 12th Amendment. It was the election of 1824 when Andrew Jackson won the most popular votes but the election ended up in the House. The 12th Amendment only stated that the House selects the president by majority with no reference to a candidate who had the most popular or electoral votes should become president. Once again, we can see that the people’s choice does not really matter.

In 1824, the Federalist had collapsed. The Democratic-Republican Party had won six consecutive presidential elections and was the only national political party. It was the fact that this election was decided by Congress that resulted in the split of that party into the Democrats vs the Republicans (South vs North).

Let’s look at Article II, Section 2. It clearly states that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” There is no mention of an individual right to vote anywhere in the original Constitution.

Then, Article II, Section 1 delegates the Electoral College deadlines to Congress: “The Congress may determine the Time of chusing [original spelling] the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”

The Constitution’s 20th Amendment also requires the president and vice president to end their terms of office on January 20 at noon in the year following the general election.

“The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January,”

However, Congress controls by statute when electoral votes are counted at the states and at Congress. The statute read that “the electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

The states must send their electoral votes to Congress by late December. Suppose electoral votes are NOT received by the fourth Wednesday in December. In that case, the President of the Senate or the Archivist of the United States can use “the most expeditious method available” to get the votes sent to Congress. The electoral votes received by Congress are then counted in a joint session at 1 p.m. on January 6. If a presidential or vice presidential candidate does not receive a majority of the electoral votes, the House selects the next president, and the Senate selects the next vice president.


Post-Civil War states used public elections to pick the winners of electoral votes in presidential elections. This is NOT A Constitutional REQUIREMENT! For EXAMPLE, Maine and Nebraska divide their electoral votes among districts. Therefore, we do NOT find any standardized requirement to empower people to vote. Each state legislature has a process for selecting the slate of electors that represents a candidate. The states and political parties previously worked together on the presidential primary process. But this year, the Democrats denied the people to have any right to vote for a possible alternative to Biden.

In some cases, disputes about that process are settled by the courts, the most notable example being the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bush v. Gore in December 2000. To be clear, a state under its own laws could postpone the general election date that results in the selection of electors. At least 45 states have statutes that deal with election-day emergencies.

What remains clear is that only the states and Congress can delay that part of the election process. Some states allow the Governor to postpone an election during emergencies, and that could certainly be a domestic terrorist attack staged to accomplish that or the start of World War III, where neither the Constitution nor Congress provides any similar power to the President or other federal officials to change this date outside of Congress’s regular legislative process.

Congress also has the power to change the various statutes to alter the date for an election and the date electoral votes are to be received in Washington and counted in Congress. Such changes would require the consent of the House and the Senate and would be extraordinary since it would require the agreement of the majority in both houses. Congress could even delegate some of its electoral process powers to the Executive Branch in emergencies. That would allow Biden even to pull off an executive order. The fear is that Biden already has the executive power to allow aliens to vote.

All of this taken into account, there is no power to actually delay elections without a deadline. There is no such power to postpone elections indefinitely since the Constitution also requires that Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen ‘every second year’ according to Article I, Section 2, and Senators to be chosen for terms of ‘six years’ under the 17th Amendment.

In the absence of a clear winner of the presidential election on January 20, the Constitution does allow the Speaker of the House to serve as Acting President. That would end up as a Republican. The 20th Amendment requires that the duly elected president and vice president MUST assume their positions at some point. However, Congress may elect a President and Vice President if they are unqualified to take those positions.

The Justice Department filed a suit against Alabama, claiming that the voter roll purge announcement took place 84 days before the November 5 election and violated the National Voter Registration Act. This could upend the election, and then a host of lawsuits involving alien voting will be challenged nationwide. That guarantees that the 2024 election will end up in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court would have to rule on whether aliens can vote in the U.S. elections.


LoopholeOK, we have looked at the various requirements and established that (1) you have no Constitutional Right to Vote, and (2) there is no uniform requirement that every state carries out some standardized election procedure. We also know that there are some ways that states could mess up and delay the federal election. There could even be a scenario where the election occurs in Congress without the Electoral College or the people.



HOWEVER, What if Biden resigns on January 19th and Kamal becomes President? The 22nd Amendment would apply if Kamala “acted” as president for over two years. If that would occur, then the Speaker of the House would not assume the acting role as President. All of this confusion is being created for the sole purpose of retaining the power of the Neocons. They do not care about the country, not about the people. This is only about their victory; to them, it is like a football game, and their team has to win.

The 2020_Coup

They cleverly used COVID and instigated the January 6th riot to prevent a count of state votes where a challenge was to be made before the entire Congress. The electoral votes received by Congress will be counted in a joint session at 1 p.m., and Pelosi declared an emergency rule to prevent any challenge to a state’s vote. Then she imposed COVID Rules restricting the maximum number of people on the floor to 53. Thus, Pelosi secured the presidency for Biden, and nobody understood what they did. They got away with it in 2020, and they will pull a fast one in 2024.



I am Evaculating

October 7, 2024

Thank you for your support

Thank you for all the concern. The last one was not a direct hit—it was just tidal flooding—so I could sleep through the night, as did my dogs and even my neighbor. This one is a direct hit involving wind, rain, and tidal surge. I am evacuating for this one and moving inland. I am moving to a hotel. Hopefully, I will still have internet most of the time.

Why I Do Not Trust Safety Deposit Boxes

October 7, 2024

safety deposit boxes

I have said numerous times that your personal belongings are at risk in safety deposit boxes. The Fourth Amendment was intended to protect Americans from illegal search and seizures, but as we have seen in recent years, the government does not respect the Constitution or our freedoms. Governments will become increasingly tyrannical as we move into 2032, and every government believes that their citizens are to blame for large deficits. If only we paid our fair share then our politicians could fund their endless spending.

The government makes the rules. The Constitution has become a rough guideline that they simply do not follow. There are countless examples of the US government raiding safety deposit boxes under the pretense of restoring law and order. In March 2021, the FBI held a full-scale raid on US Private Vaults, a storage facility located in Beverly Hills, California. The government claimed that they needed to raid safety deposit boxes and confiscate the contents since they were purchased through illegal money laundering.


Up to 1,400 safety deposit boxes were seized, containing $86 million in cash, not including gold, jewelry, coins, and other valuables. The government said that they planned to keep all stolen items until a group of victims filed a class-action lawsuit. US District Judge R. Gary Klausner initially deemed that the FBI was within the scope of the warrant when it confiscated belongings from citizens who had absolutely no ties to criminal activity. A three-judge appeals panel later found that the FBI abused its authority as the warrant only permitted the department to open boxes of individuals under investigation. It took many years for the victims to receive a portion of their belongings, but not everyone was made whole.

This is a worldwide issue and is not limited to the United States. In 2016, for example, UK-based HSBC came after safe deposit boxes in Hong Kong to assist the government in looking for cash from citizens. In 2015, when Greece was suffering from its decision to join the European Union, Deputy Minister of Finance, Olga Valavani, announced that safe deposit boxes were restricted. There are COUNTLESS examples of governments throughout the world confiscating assets and banks are forced to comply.

FBI Raid Boxes

The grey area that is allowing this seizure of assets is multidimensional. First there is the assumption it is the illegal proceeds from drugs. Second, there is the presumption it is money laundering and that is very broad for it can be drug money to hiding money from the government to avoid taxes, which they also call money laundering. Third, there is the ambiguous Internal Revenue Service regulation that basically states. “Consumers should never conceal cash from the United States government and not pay income tax on it.”  They could argue that cash in a safety deposit box is hidden from the government. They can also now argue that this is money laundering and that cash should be confiscated. It becomes your burden to prove them wrong.

We heard what happened when FDR signed Executive Order 6102 in April 1933, prohibiting US citizens from owning gold. Penalties for disobeying were up to $10,000 and/or 10 years imprisonment. That was mostly fixed through voluntary transfer as the population was regaining confidence in government. What happens when the government moves digital and wants cash off the grid? There are NO guarantees. The government has the ability to accuse anyone of committing a crime and use that as a means to seize assets. We have seen it happen time and time again with debanking practices.

So no, I do not recommend keeping everything in a safe deposit box. There is no precise law against storing metal or cash in a safe deposit box, but the law is malleable in the hands of any judge. A judge can seize the money or gold under the pretense of money laundering or use the same facility as someone accused of the offense.

Whistleblower Imprisoned for Investigating Election Fraud

October 7, 2024

Former Colorado country clerk Tina Peters has been sentenced to 9 years imprisonment for conducting an independent investigation regarding election fraud. Prosecutors said Peters was “fixated” on voter fraud after the 2020 US Presidential Election and took it upon herself to investigate the matter. “I’ve never done anything with malice to break the law. I’ve only wanted to serve the people of Mesa County,” she told the court.

Did Peters break the law or is she an innocent whistleblower? “In a real and specific way, her actions have led directly to death threats and general threats to the lives and the families of the people who work in our elections,” Colorado County Clerks Association director Matt Crane said. “She has willingly aided individuals in our country who believe that violence is a way to make a point. She has knowingly fueled a fire within others who choose threats as a means to get their way.”

Peters, 69, claims she was directed by Secretary of State Jenna Griswold to destroy voter data after the election while working as a county clerk. She asked a coworker to help her build a case and shared voter data in the process by making a copy of the files she was ordered to delete. The judge has claimed that Peters perpetuated the dangerous lie of the election being stolen. Those in her office claim she put their lives at risk by claiming they helped Joe Biden and Kamala Harris illegally win the election.

Tina Peters is a Gold Star mom whose Navy Seal son died while fighting for his country. She has no prior criminal record and is certainly not a flight risk. She will be 78 years old when she is released from prison. The Colorado legal system found her guilty of three counts of attempting to influence a public servant, one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty, and failing to comply with the secretary of state. But were her findings valid?

“Colorado’s elections are the nation’s gold standard. I am proud of how we have responded to the first insider elections breach in the nation and look forward to another secure and successful election in November,” Griswold said after Judge Barrett told her she is “no hero” and a “charlatan.”

I believe Tina Peters is a political prisoner. Peters preserved evidence of an actual crime from Dominion voting systems before the evidence could be completely destroyed. The judge has a history of voting to ActBlue and ruled based on personal opinion rather than the law. Her victimless “crime” came with a sentence that surpasses what rapists or child molesters receive. Why would they be so harsh to sentence a woman who copied documents if there was nothing to hide?

Trump will certainly provide her a pardon if elected. Under a Kamala presidency, we should expect to see an increase in political prisoners like Tina Peters. Anyone found guilty of exposing the TRUTH is a threat to the establishment that they will promptly extinguish.

Why the EU Wants War

October 7, 2024
EU Parliament Building

The European leaders are pushing for war with Russia because, economically, they are failing. Those in the highest offices of the European Union faced the decline and fall of their dream – one European government that had been attempted many times before, from Charlemagne to Hitler and Napoleon. As I have written before, they came to me when they were creating this project since we were the currency specialists. They attended, taking the entire back row of our London World Economic Conference.

I warned them back then that the euro would NEVER displace the dollar unless they consolidated the national debts of Europe. I was told that was impossible and they just had to get the euro through and then worry about the debts later. I explained that capital would merely trade one member’s bond against another, the same as in currencies. That was in 1998, and they never addressed the debt issue that is now escalating into a crisis.

1 Kohl Dictator

It was Chancellor Kohl who blocked the debt consolidation. He admitted he acted as a dictator and took Germany into the euro, denying the German people any right to vote because he knew he would have lost the vote seven to three. Because of that decision, the euro could never replace the dollar, and an institutional investor still had to compare one member state against another as takes place with state debt in the USA. The volatility once in the foreign exchange markets was merely transferred to the individual bond markets.

The theory behind creating the EU Parliament was that one government would end European wars. Now, the EU is looking for a war to pretend the economic demise of Europe was not because of their gross mismanagement and the failure to design the euro properly. Also, never in history has centralized control succeeded. In fact, this idea of a one-size-fits-all approach has always ended in civil war, for it is tearing the United States apart at the seams as well, just as it did with Communism in Russia and China.

This idea of the EU and a centralized dictatorial government is rapidly becoming ungovernable. Even at a recent debate in Berlin, a German voter criticized Chancellor Olaf Scholz, pointing out that Germany’s government is unable to govern as its ministers are bickering like children fighting over the same toy. The shocking response from Scholz conceded the point. “The truth is: You are right, but what would be your solution? I mean, I’m asking for a friend.”


The EU is trying to create dictatorial power from Brussels and is taking Hungary to court over what it views as its controversial sovereignty-protection legislation. The EU demands that Hungary do as it commands. This tension always emerges and leads to civil wars and separatist movements. We will see the breakup of the EU because this centralized control always fails.

Croatia and Hungary oppose NATO’s rush to war, which has no viable purpose other than the ancient conquest model to build empires. The Eastern Blocks are resisting war, for they know Ukrainians very well and are not trustworthy in the least. Ukrainians see themselves as superior and engage in ethnic cleansing of not just Russians but Jews and Polish as well. They were so brutal that even the German Nazis were horrified. Ukrainians cut the babies out of pregnant women and sowed in a live cat.

The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has also spoken out against Ukraine’s membership in NATO. He reminded that membership must be ratified by all members. No more slick side deals. Indeed, nobody can join NATO if they are at war, for that would invoke Article 5 and direct all to join the fight, which is the objective of NATO. Ukraine’s close neighbors do not trust Ukraine. They were collaborators with Hitler and practiced ethnic cleansing. He said:

“As long as I am the prime minister of the Slovak Republic, I will lead the deputies over whom I have political control as the head of the party to never agree to Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

The EU is crumbling from within, and as that happens, it is becoming highly authoritarian. Turkey is pretending to be in accord with NATO yet doing a balancing act between Russia and NATO and wants to join the BRICS. Will Turkey actually send troops to invade Russia when NATO gives the green light for World War III? That remains to be seen because it will cost Turkey its dream of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the Arab world will turn against Turkey.

The EU has been in the grips of a deepening crisis that began with climate change and unleashed a cost-of-living crisis, a housing crisis, a migration crisis, and a collapsing economic growth. This has been accelerated by the decline since the turn in the ECM in May 2024. This has furthered a political crisis, and the right has posed a significant challenge. The Freedom Party won the Austrian elections with 30% of the vote. This combined threatens the fragile EU cohesion that has promoted the WOKE agenda.

The EU is using Hungary’s veto as an excuse to supply Ukraine with money to destroy Russia by stealing €50 billion of frozen Russian assets to fund itself. Only 5% of that money will go to Ukraine to circumvent Hungary’s veto. The EU is desperate for money, and it views its conquest of Russia as a way to refill the treasury.

On the international front, the EU continues to face the escalation of war against Russia, using Ukraine as the vanguard. Zelensky’s invasion of Russia directly has been orchestrated in hopes of forcing Russia to attack anything so they can justify World War III with Russia being the aggressor. NATO is scheming to gather $100 billion to keep up the conquest of Russia just in case Trump wins and cuts off funding for war. Our models warn that WWIII will unfold by 2025, and the destruction of NATO is in the cards by 2027.
Russia the War CriminalEU Leaders

Please make no mistake about it. Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” is all about the destruction of Russia. He presents Russia as a War Criminal, and NATO is in favor of letting him use long-range missiles to attack even the Kremlin. NATO wants Russia to respond and attack anything in NATO so they can invoke Article 5 and turn this into World War III. Let’s get real. All of these leaders cheering on war couldn’t win a bar fight but cheer others dying for their ambitions.

MAA Rome

I will no longer revisit Europe. I saw the Colosseum for the last time. It will not be standing in the years ahead. Like the fall of Rome and the subsequent Dark Age (5th–10th centuries), Europe’s knowledge and history will be lost again. Next year, 2025, will start the 6th wave of 309.6 years from the fall of Rome in 476AD.

Zelensky has now publicly declared this is really World War III, stating that to guarantee Ukraine lasting peace and security, there will be no trade of sovereignty or territories. He has effectively said that all the ethnic Russians in Ukraine are no longer allowed to retain their natural language or their religion. This is a total war against Russia with no compromise of peace absent the destruction of Russia or Europe, whichever comes first.

If Europeans do not wake up to the agenda before their very eyes, Europe will fall, as did Rome.

This is the start of the 6th Wave of 309.6 years. Wake up!

What is a Woman – The Court to Decide that Question in November

October 7, 2024

UK Supreme Court Lord Reed

Well, the UK high court is going to decide what a woman is in the midst of the pending doom of Western Society. This seemingly obvious question, what is a woman is to be addressed. This decision will come down in November by the highest court in the land. Five senior judges, three men and two women, will be led by Lord Reed who is the president of the court and the UK’s most senior judge. This decision should be interesting. What if World War III kills all biological women, and all we have left are transgenders? Could that mark the end of humanity?


Blinken pushing for Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine to Destroy Russia

October 7, 2024


Blinken is pushing for Long-range missiles to destroy the military capacity of Russia. They still see NATO as invading Russia just as soon as they can claim that Russia is the aggressor by attacking something in NATO. I have warned that they would do their best to create World War III before the election. These Neocons could not win a bar fight but love death and destruction on TV as if this is some video game. These people have NEVER won a single war yet post-WWII, but they are so close to destroying Russia that they are not about to let Trump & RFK take that dream away.

Russian_Ruble_Futures W Array 10 6 24

We see the next two weeks as absolutely critical. Putin must take this seriously as a war with NATO, and Ukraine is their proxy, just as Hezbollah is the proxy of Iran. If he does not respond to Zelensky with a major show of force to crush Ukraine, then NATO will only use them as their vanguard and will end up in a direct war not much different than what we see with Iran vs. Israel.

US vs Russian Ukraine Proxy

President Biden has been considering allowing Ukraine to use U.S.-provided long-range missiles to strike deeper into Russia. This decision would most certainly mark a potential shift in American involvement and send a signal to Russia that this is really a war between the USA and NATO vs. Russia. Ukrainian leaders argue they need these weapons to defend against Russian attacks. The US and NATO are no different than Iran using Hezbolla against Israel.

The Terrorist Neocon Organization – NATO – Planning to Circumvent Trump/RFK

October 6, 2024

Stoltenberg NATO

Our sources have been whispering for weeks now that NATO is scheming to secure $100 billion to destroy Russia, ensuring that if Trump is elected, he cannot cut off the funding for the Ukraine War. The American Neocons are ruthless, and they are conspiring in Europe and with Biden to safeguard against the possibility of Donald Trump cutting off all assistance to Ukraine if he emerges victorious in the November 2024 presidential election.

Einstein on War

This conspiracy, hatched among the NEOCONS, proposes to create a fund entrusting to NATO, an unelected NEOCON sanctuary, overseeing this $100 billion fund to provide support to keep World War III going. NATO will allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles. The objective is the destruction of Russia.

NATO North Atlantic Terror Organization


The NEOCON Sanctuary

The U.S. has sent $24.4 billion to Ukraine so far. Seeking $100 billion confirms what I have been warning about. NATO has been scheming for Ukraine to invade Russia to start World War III and to weaken Russia using long-range missiles to destroy their ability to defend their country. Then NATO will create a false flag, like the Weapons of Mass Destruction, to conquer Russia. Our computer warns Europe will be destroyed and NATO will lose. It is absurd to claim they can create peace by war. They are deranged people worse than any serial killer.

Sun Su Art of War Know Your Enemy

From the 1955 joining of Germany into NATO, we are looking at the destruction of NATO in 72 years, bringing us to 2027

The Neocons have lost EVERY war since WWII – They are incapable of winning even one!

Armstrong on Peace


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