QUESTION: Marty, I cannot thank you enough for your coverage of the Middle East. Nobody provides such valuable forecasts for our entire region as you do. I know you have had friends in the various royal families, and you have been observed meeting with various central banks in the region. You have not been an analyst in theory only. You have been here and walked in our lands. As we say: أحضر الناس جوابا من لم يغضب “The best answer will come from the person who is not angry.” That is you.
My question is: Your Islamic Wave concludes next year, 2025.22, on March 21, and I understand that the ECM is not in Socrates, which calculates cycles independently. Since we see March/April as a critical turning point next year on many arrays, should we be alerted to more chaos in the Middle East during this period?
Thank you so much for your independence. What they did to you proved to everyone you are both honorable and independent. They did the same to Trump, proving he was not one of them and winning.
Their time is coming, جزاء سنمار جزاء مُجيرِ أُمِّ عامِرٍ الجزاء من جنس العمل “You reap what you sow.”

ANSWER: Thank you. Yes, their time is coming. That’s 2032, but it started here in 2024 and will escalate into 2028. I have argued for years against the NEOCONs who judge the Middle East by their own ideas. They fail to comprehend that this is tribal. Everyone in Syria does not share an identity of being Syrian. They see themselves as first being Sunnie, Shite, Druze, Christian, etc, etc. They have sought to remove Saddam, Assad, and Quadafi under the theory that they would install democracy and they would bring peace to the Middle East. They judge the entire region as if this was a thesis for a PhD in school detached from reality. From the very beginning, the Sykes-Picot Agreement sought to carve up the Ottoman Empire and artificially create nation-states that never existed. These theories are so detached from reality that they have plunged the world into constant wars and confrontations.
There is a significant confrontation in the Middle East that appears many have never considered since they have focused on Iran rather than Turkey. While NATO has constantly pushed the propaganda that Putin wanted to retake Europe to reestablish the USSR, right within NATO there has been rising discord against this centralized dictatorial dogma. Turkey has long fostered a hatred of Greece, and this feud extends back to the Turkish conquest of Byzantium/Constantinople in 1453. But it has been the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who has fueled his dreams to conquer the Middle East to reestablish the Ottoman Empire that was broken up by the West in 1916 – not Putin.

The Russian people have no desire to return to communism. Once they tasted freedom, nobody in Russia, China, or Eastern Europe wanted to surrender that freedom again. I personally went behind the Berlin Wall to see for myself what it was really like. I was horrified. Our cancel culture today was following the very same path I witnessed there where freedom of speech was dangerous.
I think it is important that we understand that, just as in Christianity, that is only a religion – not an ethnic group. The same is true in Islam. The Turks are not of the same ethnic cloth as those in Arabia in general. According to historians and linguists, the Proto-Turkic language originated in Central-East Asia. The origin has potentially been placed in the Altai-Sayan region, Mongolia, or Tuva. The Proto-Turkic speakers were potentially primarily hunter-gatherers but also included farmers. They would evolve into nomadic pastoralists due to the climate changes.
A 2003 study found that some Xiongnu remains from Mongolia had paternal and maternal genetic lineages that have also been found in people from modern-day Turkey. There is no question that medieval Turkic groups exhibited a wide range of both East Asian and West-Eurasian physical appearances and genetic origins. In Central Asia, the earliest surviving Turkic language texts have been discovered from the 8th century. Although initiated by the Arabs, the conversion of the Turks to Islam was filtered through Persian and Central Asian culture. Under the Umayyads, most Turks were domestic servants, but then, under the Abbasid Caliphate, they were trained as soldiers. That was the downfall of the Abbasid Caliphate, for by the 9th century, Turkish commanders were leading the caliphs’ Turkish troops into battle and rose in stature both militarily and in political power. They began to rise,e establishing provincial dynasties of their own supported by Turkish troops.

Tughril I (1037-1063) was the Turkoman chieftain who founded the Seljuk Empire during the 11th century. They are known as the Seljuk Turks, who were influenced by Persian civilization. Thanks to their military training, they were able to overthrow their masters, taking the eastern province of the Abbasid Empire. By 1055, the Seljuks captured Baghdad and began to make their first incursions into Anatolia, modern-day Turkey. When they won the Battle of Manzikert against the Byzantine Empire in 1071, it opened the doorway to Anatolia and the eventual conquest of Constantinople. They were able to breach the once impenetrable walls with cannons from Asia.

Although ethnically Turkish, the Seljuk Turks appreciated and became carriers of Persian culture rather than Turkish culture; they were not of the same gene pool. Nonetheless, the Turkish language and Islam were introduced and gradually spread over the region. With time, the transition from a predominantly Christian and Greek-speaking Anatolia to a predominantly Muslim and Turkish-speaking one was underway, thanks to the monetary crisis of 1092 and the fiscal mismanagement of the Byzantine Empire. All empires ultimately collapse from their own internal corruption as we witness today in Europe, Canada, and the United States.

In the 7th century, the Byzantines began putting the image of Christ on the coinage rather than the emperor. That forced the Arabs to establish their own currency giving birth to Islamic coinage. Previously, they merely used the Byzantine coinage, which had become the world’s dominant monetary system. We do not see gold coinage struck in Europe after the fall of Rome in 476AD until the 13th century because the gold coinage of Byzantium was the internationally accepted coinage.
Israel did strike hundreds of targets in Syria, about 80% of the military capacity, to eliminate chemical weapons and arms that could then be deployed against Israel; they also sent troops deeper into the country to retake the buffer zone that had been there for 50 years. While many are merely pointing at Israel, the rebel groups that toppled Bashar Al-Assad’s regime were funded by Turkey. Amid all the chaos, one man stands to gain more than anyone else who has become a key powerbroker – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

To complicate matters, we have some Christians and Jews trying to bring about the end times. Over the years, the dominant world powers have fiercely competed over these lands. My father was with General Patton, who began fighting against the German invasion in the Middle East.
The computer has highlighted the shift in trend coming early in 2025. I will do a special report on this crisis in January.