Judge Threatens to Put Trump in Prison on Contempt

May 6, 2024

Merchan Judge Juan


Let me explain something here where this Judge is out of control and should be stripped of any legal license if not thrown in a dungeon for his treason against the United States. This New York Justice Juan Merchan warned Trump on Monday that jail remains “truly a last resort” that would disrupt the proceedings, court staff, and law enforcement. There are TWO TYPES OF CONTEMPT – the first is Civil, where they pretend to order you to comply with some turnover as they did to me, and because it is “CIVIL CONTEMPT,” you have zero constitutional rights, and that includes the absolute tyranny of the judge being the prosecutor, jury, and judge – the very essence of tyranny.

A GAG ORDER is a different animal. This is criminal, and you are entitled to a trial by jury. Trump should call this judge every name in the book; he will then hold him in contempt, which would be unconstitutional, and he gets to take this to the Supreme Court. This disgusting Judge would have to step down from this case. The governor should intervene at this point and tell the court to have him step aside. We are looking at New York City descending into chaos, and NOBODY should invest or step foot in this horrible jurisdiction. As my lawyers said from the start, New York practices law differently than any other place in the country. That was an UNDERSTATEMENT.

Merchan at least admitted “The magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me.” He added: “But at the end of the day I have a job to do, and part of that job is to protect the dignity of the justice system.”  This judge had the audacity to say: “Your continued violations … threaten to interfere with the administration of justice, and constitute a direct attack on the rule of law.”

Mr Trump’s violation was saying the jury “was picked so fast – 95 per cent Democrats.” “The area’s mostly all Democrat. You think of it as a – just a purely Democrat area. It’s a very unfair situation that I can tell you.”

Liberty Crying

This judge is so out of control it is absurd. Every person on that jury will be followed and interviewed by the press. They will NEVER be able to hide their names from anyone. Trump saying they are all Democrats is merely expressing what the entire world knows – this is a political trial in a very corrupt kangaroo court that is destroying the image of liberty and justice for all. This has undermined the integrity of the United States. How many politicians have had affairs? They were never charged criminally. Bill Clinton even committed perjury. Nobody demanded he be thrown in prison.

This is a CRIMINAL CONTEMPT that REQUIRES Constitutionally Trial by Jury

Not Tyrannical decrees by a Judge.

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

May 6, 2024


Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for a fraction of their spending. The concept of capital gains was not within the original Constitution.  The Founding Fathers established a completely new nation in an attempt to flee government tyranny, but yet again, Democracy has fallen into a Republic where the people have no say.

Capital gains were introduced in 1913, The 16th Amendment granted US Congress the power to levy income via taxation, which remained at around 7% until 1921. Congress quickly determined that they needed to extort citizens for more money and created two brackets. The 7% tax became a standard for income tax, but investors who held for over two years, an insignificant amount of time, were punished for saving and forced to pay 12.5% to Washington. Fast forward to 2025, and we are looking at the top marginal rate rising to up to 57.9%! The current capital extortion rate is around a quarter of one’s capital.


This idea of hunting down the rich is utter nonsense as it becomes an excuse to eliminate the middle class. The big money can take the risk, but the average investor cannot. This will deter small business investment and entrepreneurs who greatly contribute to innovation as they bring creativity and imagination to business.

Naturally, the 11 states are primarily blue. Californians really destroyed their state by voting for Gavin Newsom, and now they may face a top tax of 57.9% to cover the state’s excessive spending and growing deficit. New York and New Jersey, two states that should have stayed red, will face the second-highest capital gain taxation at a rate of 55.5%. These states already pay astronomical taxes on things such as property. Minnesota is looking at a tax of 55.45%, Oregon 54.5%, and Maine 51.75%, with the remaining states (Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Georgia, and Idaho) all facing capital gain extortion rates above 50%.

2032.95 World Ends Here scaled

Why on Earth would anyone want to conduct business in these states? If Biden remains in power, it will be a wonder if major corporations continue to choose to do business in the United States at all. Businesses could go literally almost anywhere else and face lower rates of taxation. Additionally, the American consumer has been stretched so thin through dollar devaluation, inflation, and taxation that they are not spending the way they once did. Capitalism is under attack; success is a punishable offense.

Schwab 2030 Overthrow USA 1

America’s consumer economy will continue to decline while places like China see their middle class grow and the consumer economy rise. China is not creating worthless spending packages on climate change. Remember, they told us clear as day that the goal is to destroy America’s standing as the world’s leading superpower. Klaus Schwab has been aiming for 2030, but the computer has been honing in on 2032 before Schwab released plans for Agenda 2030. Unfortunately, this is all precisely on schedule as America enjoys its final time in the spotlight as the world’s financial capital.

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

May 6, 2024



Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless times throughout periods of civil unrest, and while the media has repeatedly denied that Soros and other far-left funders are backing these protests, the evidence is in plain sight.


CNN reported that many of the “students” arrested at Columbia and City College of New York had no affiliation with either school. The New York Police Department arrested 282 people, and only 148 (a bit over half) were actually students.

Take a look at the tents popping up across all major universities – they are identical. The media claims that students are simply searching for the cheapest tent, which appears to be the two-person Ozark Trail option at Walmart, which retails for around $30. However, it seems suspicious that hundreds of students purchase the same tent coincidentally. A lot of these privileged college kids in Ivy League schools are not known for sorting by price. It is more probable that an organization purchased these tents in bulk and distributed them on college campuses.

Students are also receiving instructional booklets on how to protest. Why is everyone wearing COVID-era masks? They have been directed to conceal their identities to stay anonymous, as “it can help if the entire crowd is doing it.” They are told to bring two sets of clothes and conceal any logos or identifiable items.

Officers are reporting uniformed supplies, and stating that they believe what is happening is not the result of mere student organizations. Again, everyone calls them conspiracy theorists and dismisses any claim that these events have been manufactured to create civil unrest and divide America. So we saw outside agitators used numerous times in recent years during Black Lives Matter riots and even on January 6. Organizations such as the Open Society Foundations openly donate to “grassroots” causes and specifically target the youth to carry out their messaging.

As reported by Fox, Sami Al-Arian, a known terrorist who was once deported, advised associates and his wife to camp out along with the college students. This man is admittedly associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group. He has taken to social media to promote the civil unrest across American universities. This is a clear and REAL threat to national security. Again, these students are too naive to understand the root cause of these issues or the truly dangerous actors fueling the flames.

Even Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams believes that these events are staged. “I know that there are those who are attempting to say, ‘Well, the majority of the people have been students.’ You don’t have to be the majority to influence and co-opt an operation. That’s what this is about,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “We’re going to protect our city from those who are attempting to do what is happening globally. There is a movement to radicalize young people and I’m not going to wait until it’s done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it.”


Adams went on to say that the goal of these protests is to create “discord and divisiveness,” and for once, I actually agree with the guy.

Where is the president amid this ongoing crisis? He mumbled a few words from a teleprompter but he should be meeting with university presidents and law enforcement agencies. These professional agitators are manipulating the vulnerable youth into making decisions that will prevent them from seeking employment and stain their records.


The Black Lives Matter riots heated up in May 2020 ahead of the election, and now we are seeing that same issue play out once again where the left is permitted to wreak havoc on the public in the name of social justice.

Biden said he would be willing to accept Palestinian refugees into the US, a move that no country in the Arab world has agreed to do. The worldwide media is covering these events, but the POTUS has failed to condemn the ongoing violence, and then you have his former handler, Obama, publicly sending letters urging Biden to agree to a ceasefire. The “students” are now requesting “humanitarian aid,” showing how utterly clueless and lost they have become. Tensions are rising, protests have turned into riots, and violence will escalate if something is not done to promote law and order.

DeSantis Bans Lab-Grown Meat

May 6, 2024

Now more than ever it is the duty of the state, not the federal government, to protect its citizens. Ron DeSantis signed a new bill in an effort to save Florida’s agriculture and cattle industry, and possibly a boost to the leisure and hospitality sector as well. S.B. 1084 will prohibit companies attempting to “manufacture for sale, sell, hold or offer for sale, or distribute” lab-grown meat throughout Florida.

US food standards are already extremely low as the USDA wants to keep you sick. Washington passed a bill in 2023 permitting companies to supply Americans with fully lab-grown “meat” products. The meat is made from pre-cancerous animal cells as they’re the most likely to replicate. They then shape this lab-grown unknown product into whatever shape they need so that it looks like real meat.

This is indeed part of the ESG agenda. Schwab and his World Economic Forum has pushed for the consumption of bugs as a viable protein option. Domesticated cattle have been destroying the climate, in their eyes, as it produces too much CO2. Major food producers like Tyson have also stated that they would begin using insects in their food, in addition to efforts to push lab-grown meat. Best of all, the FDA is currently NOT REQUIRED to label whether the meat is derived from an animal. The Food Safety and Inspection Service has not determined how they will label these products; therefore, you may be eating pre-cancerous fake meat cells without your knowledge in the near future.

Italy has passed a similar ban on lab-grown meat. While Florida is not known for its cuisine, this is a tourist destination and a state that is dependent (growing less dependent) on tourism. Restaurants on a federal level need not report what they are serving the consumer. This ban benefits not only Florida farmers and consumers but also the overall economy.

Some are complaining that the consumer should have the right to choose and that if there is demand, DeSantis should not prohibit companies from entering that new field. The problem becomes the underlying agenda to force the public to ingest unknown substances. No one knows the health consequences of lab-grown meat on public health. They are simply pushing out this lab-grown method to meet ESG rubrics and climate change standards at the expense of the population.

The cultivated fake meat industry was valued at around $247 million in 2022 and it is expected to spike to $25 billion by 2030 – right on time for Agenda 2030.

Again, state rights are now essential for maintaining our freedoms. The federal government has been bought and paid for by the globalists and has not acted in the interest of the American public in four years. Other states are looking to follow this ban as red and blue states become further distinguishable by rule of law, or lack thereof.

Macron Needs War Before the EU June 9th, Election as Does Biden

May 6, 2024

Macron_not_ruling_anything_out_when_it_comes_to_Western_troops_in_Ukraine 5 3 24

Emmanuel Macron is desperately trying to take Europe into World War III. The EU elections are June 9th, and the Right is well ahead in most of the polls, which is unsurprising as Europeans are starting to wake up to the cost of Climate Change. Like Biden, Macron seems to need a war, fearing a loss of power on June 9th. Presidential elections are not scheduled in France until April 11th, 2027. Macron is not eligible to run in the 2027 elections since he is limited to two consecutive terms in office.

Macrone Poll 2024_POLITICO_Poll_of_Polls_French_polls_trends_and_election_news_for_France_POL

When we look at the 68% disapproval rating of Macron, we see the natural response of any politician is to find an external enemy. The once peace-loving Macron now champions World War III to stay relevant like NATO.

CAC_40 M Array 5 5 24

Macron fears that France’s right is expected to make sizable gains in June’s European elections. They may be able to reshape EU politics overall as it could influence the making of any new coalition in the European Parliament and weaken pro-EU forces, which would be a true cry for freedom. All centralized governments ultimately fail. That was the difference between Lenin and Stalin and why the Soviet Union was unsustainable.

China_s_Xi_in_France 5 5 24

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in France on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, just in time for our turning point on May 7th on the Economic Confidence Model. This is a state visit hosted by Emmanuel Macron, who will try to threaten and intimidate him into backing Russia in the conflict over Ukraine. The arrogance of the West threatens anyone who supports Russia when they are pouring in everything they have to destroy Russia with covert plans to take over the country as they always have. Xi’s arrival for the visit marked 60 years of diplomatic relations between France and China, beginning with his first trip to Europe in 2019, which will also see him visit Serbia and Hungary.

Pentagon Chine is number one enemy

China would have to be really stupid, for once the plan is to destroy Russia, they will then turn on China. This is Julius Caesar’s strategy – divide and conquer. Macron is no Richard Nixon, and he offers nothing but threats. This war would be over in 24 hours if the West honored the Minsk Agreement that they negotiated in bad faith to buy time for Ukraine to kill as many Russians as possible.




Putin has made a direct threat of World War III against the real players here in the War, which are the USA, UK, and NATO – Ukraine is just the expendable mercenary conscript. Putin keeps warning, thinking that the West will back down, but they refuse to see any peace. He has stated that if Ukraine destroys the bridge connecting Crimea and Russia, there will be “an indestructible blow of retaliation” to Ukraine’s allies. My concern is Putin keeps stating his red line, and the West keeps telling Ukraine to cross it in hopes that Putin will strike anybody in NATO.

2014 War Cyclew 2011 Conference

When I stood up at the 2011 World Economic Conference and delivered the forecast for war would begin in 2014, it seemed farfetched to many. But this model has been uncanny, and we are headed into the peak of war in 2027.


Market Talk – May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024

Market Talk 2017



The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:

  • NIKKEI 225 closed
  • Shanghai closed
  • Hang Seng increased 268.79 points or 1.48% to 18,475.92
  • ASX 200 increased 42.00 points or 0.55% to 7,629.00
  • Kospi decreased 7.02 points or -0.26% to 2,676.63
  • SENSEX decreased 732.96 points or -0.98% to 73,878.15
  • Nifty50 decreased 172.35 points or -0.76% to 22,475.85



The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • AUDUSD increased 0.0047 or 0.72% to 0.66169
  • NZDUSD increased 0.00581 or 0.97% to 0.60218
  • USDJPY decreased 0.37 or -0.24% to 152.774
  • USDCNY decreased 0.01849 or -0.26% to 7.18807


The above data was collected around 11:44 EST.



Precious Metals:

  • Gold decreased 5.19 USD/t oz. or -0.23% to 2,298.36
  • Silver decreased 0.281 USD/t. oz -1.05% to 26.392


The above data was collected around 11:47 EST.



The major Europe stock markets had a green day today:

  • CAC 40 increased 42.92 points or 0.54% to 7,957.57
  • FTSE 100 increased 41.34 points or 0.51% to 8,213.49
  • DAX 30 increased 105.10 points or 0.59% to 18,001.60


The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • EURUSD increased 0.00411 or 0.38% to 1.07708
  • GBPUSD increased 0.00087 or 0.07% to 1.25480
  • USDCHF decreased 0.00569 or -0.63% to 0.90457


The above data was collected around 11:52 EST.




US Market Closings:

  • Dow advanced 450.02 points or 1.18% to 38,675.68
  • S&P 500 advanced 63.59 points or 1.26% to 5,127.79
  • Nasdaq advanced 315.37 points or 1.99% to 16,156.33
  • Russell 2000 advanced 19.62 points or 0.97% to 2,035.73


Canada Market Closings:

  • TSX Composite advanced 124.19 points or 0.57% to 21,947.41
  • TSX 60 advanced 8.07 points or 0.62% to 1,315.83


Brazil Market Closing:

  • Bovespa declined advanced 1,373.83 points or 1.08% to 128,496.08




The oil markets had a mixed day today:


  • Crude Oil decreased 0.561 USD/BBL or -0.71% to 78.389
  • Brent decreased 0.498 USD/BBL or -0.60% to 83.172
  • Natural gas increased 0.0921 USD/MMBtu or 4.53% to 2.1271
  • Gasoline decreased 0.039 USD/GAL or -1.50% to 2.5614
  • Heating oil decreased 0.0059 USD/GAL or -0.24% to 2.4482


The above data was collected around 11:55 EST.


  • Top commodity gainers: Natural Gas (4.53%), Nickel (2.24%), Live Cattle (1.68%) and Oat (6.81%)
  • Top commodity losers: Cotton (-9.67%), Corn (-2.84%), Cheese (-2.81%) and Cocoa (-2.58%)


The above data was collected around 12:12 EST.





Japan 0.906% (-0.01bp), US 2’s 4.81% (-0.071%) , US 10’s 4.510% (-7.93bps); US 30’s 4.68% (-0.055%), Bunds 2.4960% (-3.85bp), France 2.992% (-4.8bp), Italy 3.801% (-4.9bp), Turkey 28.995% (+2.5bp), Greece 3.492% (-4.4bp), Portugal 3.122% (-3.6bp); Spain 3.261% (-4.3bp) and UK Gilts 4.227% (-6.36bp)

The above data was collected around 12:18 EST.

Palestinian Refugees Heading to America

May 3, 2024

Franklin war v Revolution

To the surprise of none, President Joe Biden is considering allowing Palestinians to seek refuge in America. Technically, they could already come here; anyone and everyone could come here, as the borders are unsecured, and everyone who shows up receives a full welfare package funded by American citizens. The Biden Administration wants to streamline the process by expanding the United States Refugee Admissions Program to permit Palestinians to live a new life in America.

Senior White House officials would like to provide a free ride to Palestinians who already escaped their nation and are settled in Egypt. The ploy is to garner more support for the Democratic Party ahead of elections, flip states blue, and offset traditional American culture.

Over 250 former Obama Administration staff members penned Joe Biden this week to say that he is not doing enough to support the cease-fire in Gaza. “We are writing to you together because we see you both as our leaders with tremendous influence over the fate of Palestinians and our democratic society here in America. We implore you both to lead now before our democracy and the world backslide further into war and authoritarianism,” the letter says.

As with every war, the letter states that the US is “ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.” This is the classical manipulative rhetoric of the neocons to support wars on both sides. You must fund the murder of the proper side for the textbooks to be written in your favor. And what an honor it must be to be the president amid a war — your name surely will not be forgotten.

America is funding Israel and then permitting their enemy to seek refuge within its own borders. We are spending billions on both Palestine and Israel — WHY?



This is a great way to pander to the Gen Z voter block as well, as we have seen an uptick in civil unrest throughout almost every university. These kids have no idea what Hamas stands for and are oblivious to the real issues at play in Palestine. They should be permitted to go to Palestine and fight alongside Hamas if they feel so strongly about the cause. Perhaps their universities would even provide them with academic credits.

As you can see in the video above, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the disowned son of Hamas co-founder Shik Hassan Yousef, educates these fraudulent academics on the reality of life in Palestine. There are tribes, such as Hamas, throughout Palestine, and without Israel, these tribes would be killing one another. “You lack the authenticity to represent the cause. This is a human problem; the cause must die, and you are helping Hamas prove to the world that Hamas depends on the destruction of the state of Israel,” he asserted. The people of Palestine “will pay the price in blood” for years to come — no one wins during times of war besides the people funding and profiting on the war.

So now Biden would like to invite people from these various tribes to continue their holy war within US borders. America is supporting BOTH SIDES, instigating the flames of war to ensure the conflict grows and other nations feel compelled to fight on behalf of Palestine, a nation with no army. These are classical tactics to create a proxy war that hurts innocent people of all nations – including the nations funding both sides of the war.

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

May 3, 2024

Refugees Just Men

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. It is believed that the UK was forced to admit an astounding 60,000 undocumented illegal immigrants in 2022. These numbers are completely unsustainable economically. Sunak has finally passed a bill to deport a fragment of these illegal residents to Rwanda.

Now Rwanda is receiving 370 million pounds over the next five years for permitting a fraction of the UK’s refugees to relocate there. At the moment, the UK is only expected to deport 5,700 illegal migrants to Rwanda – which may sound like a grand number but is insignificant compared to how many have found their way onshore. Home Office Health Secretary Victoria Atkins admitted that many of the cohorts have stopped reporting and will need to be tracked down. The government would like the first wave of flights to begin in as little as 10 weeks.


The European Union is making it extremely difficult for the UK to free itself of taxpayer-subsidized residents. Migrants in the UK are now fleeing to neighboring Ireland, where they are under the control of the EU courts and cannot forcibly remove migrants. Micheal Martin, the Irish deputy prime minister, has blamed the Rwanda policy for a recent uptick in unwanted residents. How bad is the issue? Nearly 80% of recent migrants to Dublin have crossed over from the UK. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris is asking the European Union for permission to deport them back to the UK.

“We’re not, I’m not interested in [returned migrants]. We’re not going to accept returns from the EU via Ireland when the EU doesn’t accept returns back to France where illegal migrants are coming from,” Sunak stated, later adding, “I’m focused squarely on getting our Rwanda scheme up and running. I want the deterrent which will say that if you come to our country illegally, you will not be able to stay and you will be removed either to your own country if it’s safe or Rwanda.”

Chris Heaton-Harris, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, correctly explained that in order for Ireland to conduct a massive deportation operation, the EU courts would be required to allow ALL EU nations to deport illegal migrants. “If this legislation is, as I believe it is and I’ve been assured it is, just setting us back in time to where we were and what we were dealing with, then I’m comfortable with that,” Heaton-Harris said. “But we are fully behind implementing our Rwanda scheme.”

Why should the UK be forced to negotiate with the unelected officials in Brussels regarding domestic matters? Ireland should place blame on Brussels for permitting open border policies that have threatened the entire bloc’s national security. Brexit has been This is yet another reason why the creation of the European Union has been an utter failure. Independent nations are no longer independent. They cannot base their policies on their own nation’s best interests and instead are forced to bend to the wills of Brussels.

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