Dow Looking Into 2016-2017

December 19, 2015

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, at the conference you said the US share market would continue to move sideways and there will be no breakout to the upside until 2016. After Fridays action I assume this is still on target. Where is support … Continue reading

Market Talk December 18th, 2015

December 18, 2015

It was not just large/last option expiry but also the Friday before Christmas, the biggest party night of the year when the Bank of Japan supplied an early headache to the markets as they announced additional QE – despite leaving … Continue reading

Gold Into the Abyss?

December 18, 2015

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for the first time. My question is on Gold. You … Continue reading

EU Using the Refugees to Federalize Europe

December 18, 2015

Europe is failing. They have been pressing down upon the neck of Europe with more undemocratic authoritarian measures to maintain their jobs in Brussels. What Hitler and Napoleon could not accomplish, the EU Parliament has done with lies and stealthy … Continue reading

Hillary for Prison 2016

December 18, 2015

Even Snowden believes that anyone, besides Hillary, would be in prison for mishandling top secret government information. While the government was being hacked, Hillary was storing a private server in a California bathroom. Snowden explains why he did what he did. … Continue reading

Socrates Waiting List

December 17, 2015

Every day we add another group of people to the Investor level platform, which includes pattern recognition models, pricing charts on all timing levels, and a verbal summary of the long-term trend. However, the Investor level does not include forecast arrays, reversals, … Continue reading

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