All posts in " Banking Crisis "

Heads They Win, Tails You Lose

August 31, 2016

QUESTION: Sir, You mentioned in your blog post that money market funds now have to be in government bonds as per SEC ruling. You have said we are going through a sovereign debt crisis which means government bonds are at risk. If I’m trading and my money is now parked as “cash” before I make another […]

Goldman Sachs is at it Again

August 30, 2016

More than 75,000 people have signed their names to a petition protesting against the appointment of former European Union leader José Manuel Barroso to the investment bank Goldman Sachs. The outrage demonstrates what I have warned about — the peak in public confidence in government and banks is now in place. Goldman Sachs has gone […]

Hoarding Cash – Prelude to the Crash & Burn

August 30, 2016

We are monitoring confidence in the banking system as reflected by cash withdrawals. The sale of home safes has exploded in many countries. I previously reported that one in ten currency notes in Switzerland being printed is now the 1000 franc note. In fact, there is some 41.6 billion in Swiss francs now in circulation in 1000 […]

New SEC Money Market Rule Will Send Cash into Treasuries

August 29, 2016

  The new SEC rule on money market funds takes effect October 17, 2016. There is never a crisis that simply passes. Such events always lead to more regulation even when those creating the rules are clueless about what they are regulating. The 2007-2009 crisis did more that wipe out Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns than anything […]

Are Central Bankers Coming to a Bitter End?

August 29, 2016

Central bankers these days are seriously trapped. They cannot now reverse their policies for that means they have to admit that they have failed. This is why the Yellen is not so eager to move to negative rates and has continued to take the view that rates must be normalized (raised). That is far more […]

European Banking Crisis

August 17, 2016

Is a the European bank rally sustainable? European banks continue to rally marginally following the release of the European Bank Authority stress test. However, risks remain with a referendum to be held in Italy proposing to redesign their election process putting any Italian bank restructuring at risk. The EU banking committee proudly announced positive stress […]


August 14, 2016

This week, a German cooperative savings bank in the Bavarian village of Gmund am Tegernsee with less than 10,000 in population, announced it will begin charging retail customers to hold their cash starting in September. This will apply to accounts greater than €100,000 euros. This means the bank will charge customers 0.4 percent, which amounts to […]

ECB Brings European Banks to the Brink of Disaster

July 27, 2016

The European banking crisis is spreading rapidly. There are now concerns in Italy and in Portugal as well. The ECB cannot even understand why people would not want to keep their money in banks with negative rates. They are simply incapable of managing the economy. The ECB is bringing Europe to the brink of a […]

Losing Sleep Over Banks

July 22, 2016

QUESTION: Hello Martin, If i have exposure to various banking counterparties in europe – what do i do from running a fund mgmt business as i m a bearish on banks….but i cant shut my business as i m fearful of banks…..what do you advise….how can one hedge or think about getting away from this […]

Why Are Italian Banks Breaking Europe?

July 20, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, why are Italian banks in worse shape than most other countries. What happened to the bail-in program of the ECB? Can you explain why Italy is threatening the entire banking system of Europe? ANSWER: The bail-in policy of the IMF and ECB was directed at the idea that the rich would pay, […]

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