All posts in " Berlusconi "

National Day of Mourning for Silvio Berlusconi

June 14, 2023

Italy declared a national day of mourning this Wednesday to honor former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who passed at the age of 86 on Monday. Despite his controversial life, world leaders have offered messages of condolences to his family and the Italian people. Few of those offering condolences were true friends. The European Union even […]

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi to Run for EU Seat

January 21, 2019

Silvio Berlusconi announced his candidacy for European elections in May due to a “sense of responsibility.” Indeed, this may be the best thing that ever happened. The EU pulled off a coup secretly behind the scenes to drive him from office because he wanted to take Italy out of the euro to save his country. […]