All posts in " Biased Press "

The New American Coup – Media Leading Charge to Topple Government

February 1, 2017

There is clearly a coup unfolding led by the Democrats and the media. They will not accept Trump and are determined to destroy the government as we have known it. Sally Yates obviously pulled a political move by declaring that she would not execute Trump’s ban of the selected countries. She has no problem arresting […]

Proof the Press is Rigged

December 20, 2016

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am fairly new to your blog. I was told by two friends that you said not just that Trump would win and Brexit, but that the stock market would breakout to new highs and gold would decline for more than the last two years. I followed most of the big names […]

Gallup Poll: Trust Level of Mainstream Media Falls to 32%

November 30, 2016

Gallup first began asking if Americans trusted the mainstream media in 1972. America’s trust and confidence in mainstream media stood at its highest level back in 1976 at 72%. Of course, that was due to the investigative journalism regarding Vietnam, and naturally Woodward and Berstein, with the Watergate scandal. Following that period, the media began to […]

Google’s Biased Search Engine Exposed – Can They Be Trusted Anymore?

November 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s ties to Google, CNN, PBS, and The New York Times illustrate the conspiracy among these organization who tried to help Hillary be crowned leader of the free world. New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First Amendment. Sulzberger admits the paper […]

BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War

November 29, 2016

The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue for the press is conspiring against the people to create war, sell climate change, and rig elections. This is by no means something new. They taught me in high school history class about how the press started the […]

ABC News May Be Involved in Faking Rallies for Hillary

October 21, 2016

A lot of people are starting to focus on the video news feeds from ABC News. There appears to be video editing going on, and questions are arising as to what the mainstream media is involved in. Are these rallies being staged to prevent additional public events of her having seizures? Others are making arguments that […]